I first heard of The Structure of Man DVDs on the Cennini forum, and thought I would give them a try.
I have to say I am hooked.
I have nearly every book on anatomy out there, you know the ones with the great finished plates of various parts of the anatomy, but no -real- information on how they came to "understand" how to draw them, or how they can really help you to understand them and draw them.
Well these DVDs are for real. In 47 hours, more than 140 lessons of training, this guy draws you through and explains every part of the human body.
As portrait artists, understanding what you are seeing below the skin can be very useful. As artists, this can help you to sketch, compose, and just plain have fun drawing.
I am drawing with him on my board through each lesson. I have done 52 lessons thus far, and am through most of the skeletal structure.
The production values are a little low on the DVDs - this is a talented young guy, in his house with a camera above his drawing board and he is talking as he draws.
But it is the real thing if you want to learn the anatomy of the human animal. I can highly recommend them.
You can see more at:
Here are a few of my drawings from the 52 lessons I have been through thus far.