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Old 09-22-2006, 03:17 PM   #1
Sandra Jackson Sandra Jackson is offline
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Buffalo River

I've decided to use this photo as a resource for a portrait of my stepson. Great smile, no? As you can see, I had to put two photos together to get that great treeline at the top. I'd like feedback about color and composition, please. Is the face too hot? Should I try to reduce the whites, or work with them as they are? Any advice at all would be helpful.

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Old 09-22-2006, 03:25 PM   #2
Sandra Jackson Sandra Jackson is offline
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Here is a close-up:
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Old 09-23-2006, 07:55 PM   #3
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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That's one cute kid alright.

I'm going to try and coax you away from painting these outdoor midday photographs. It's not that you can't paint them, you can, it's just that after you've finished they won't be considered successful serious portraits. These types of photographs are what should be considered terrific vacation pictures. You've caught your stepson in a nice spot and an expressive smile, but, there are certain deficiencies which exist which will prevent you from pulling this off successfully.

The first and most serious problem is the lighting. The direction of the sun is straight down and then all around. The face doesn't have a nickels difference in value change. And all this bright light has caused him to squint his eyes such that they've almost become slits. I'll bet under better indoor lighting he would have those eyes wide open and beautiful. There may also be some distortion in the hands which may cause them to look a little goofy.

Personally, and this is just me, I don't care for the artifacts. Cans of Coke, or other such commercial items tend to bring down the level of seriousness for me. I know these items exist in our lives, but I don't think they rise to the level that I would want to carry them foreword with my painting. It's not the same as a doll for a little girl, or a toy sailboat. I've seen it done successfully, but it's a tricky thing to me.

The trouble is when we get kids out like this we grab our camera and follow them around as they go about being kids. And then from time to time we holler "stop, look this way." The other trouble is that once in a great blue moon it produces a nice photo. But the vast majority of the time it will not. There are just to many things that have to fall in place in order for this to turn out right.

If you want good painting reference my advice is to go inside and design the light and the space, then, the play must stop for a period of time while we go about this difficult business.

As I look at some of your paintings I can see that you could handle the painting aspect very well if you would only create for yourself a quality road map. If you've decided that you want to paint from photographs, others would argue you away from that and that's fine, but if you want to go this way you've got to commit to create better material.

You say that you've already decided to use this photo as your reference, I wonder if I can get you to reconsider? What type of camera do you have? I'm guessing that you have access to your stepson on a regular basis.How about you and I go through some steps right here and create a good reference photo of your stepson?

I've spent some time in Austin it's one of my favorite cities.
Mike McCarty
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Old 09-25-2006, 02:52 PM   #4
Sandra Jackson Sandra Jackson is offline
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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply so thoroughly, Mike. I agree. When I reduced the color saturation, there was very little value contrast in the face. As I attempted to paint said face, it was all roses and cadmiums- not many neutral tones. I wasn't thrilled about the can, either. I will have this printed and keep it as a reminder of our family vacation. As for the canvas, it is in the process of becoming a beautiful landscape of the 360 bridge in Austin. Again, thank you for your insight. I'm sometimes hesitant to post in this forum for fear of being told to stop using photos and go back to school. I have great north light in the studio, so when I get the chance, I'll capture our little ones the right way. Oh, and I have a CanonPowerShot A70. When I take the time to play with settings, I usually get some good shots (no flash, of course).

Thanks again,
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Old 09-25-2006, 07:17 PM   #5
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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I'm sometimes hesitant to post in this forum for fear of being told to stop using photos and go back to school.

Well, they can't say that to me because I've never been to school. But seriously, I think we're all still in school here, I know I am. If you want to do a kind of work in progress photo shoot just speak up and we'll exchange some ideas and try and make something work. I sure like a crisp collared shirt and a bow tie on a young man.

Good luck with that bridge.
Mike McCarty
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