This is a reply to a previous thread
So, I went to the reception last night with my wife and daughter real excited. It took about three hours with traffic and getting around an accident to get there. As soon as we get there, I plan to go to my piece to take pictures. The president of the CAFA greets me and congratulates me. I proceed to my pastel 'tracey in blue' and start taking pictures.
I tell my wife that I wish they had a sign saying it was 'best of show' to include it in the photo. The president passes by a couple of times, kinda confused that I'm still in the same room. My daughter asks to see the other piece that I entered, and I ask her to wait. My wife decides to take her. My wife comes back and tells me "Your pastel didn't win".
The first thing that comes to mind is that I didn't win anything and it was all a big mistake. She then tells me "Your drawing won". I'm shocked.
drawing won 'best of show'" I tell her that's impossible, I assume she's kidding. I go out and look and yeah, my drawing won 'best of show'. I don't know what to say, I'm numb for a bit. "That can't be."
I talk to the president and tell him about my surprise. I told him that I thought it was my pastel piece this whole time. I even told the model who posed for it. He tells me he was a bit surprised also. The judges were two women over sixty, very set in their ways. He says there were many powerful pieces, but they decided on something very calm. They don't intend on inviting the judges again. Obviously, the president and staff don't feel it should'nt have won either and was disappointed with the decision.
I did'nt get it. I would have been willing to accept 'best drawing'. It was'nt the most technical or detailed, but I felt it spoke more than the other drawings. Although there were many fine pieces and few that could have taken 'best of show' depending on the judges, I would have been happy to win with the pastel piece and not feel guilty about it.
I'm sure just about everyone there saw my drawing and thought "
This won 'best of show'?" I kept thinking that myself. I felt miserable and almost embarrassed accepting the award when I was called. I wanted to leave immediately, but my wife told me to stay a bit. Three people congratulated me, but everyone swarmed around the guy that the association thought
should have won.
My wife tried consoling me by saying how incredible the drawing is, but it's never gonna help. I like the drawing, don't get me wrong, but it's no winner among other good work. I thought my pastel was better, I even got a nice frame for it! The only way I'm going to feel good about it, is after I receive my new full set of Unisons with the prize money. Que lastima.
I'm going to post pictures from the reception, I regret not taking more pictures because I was upset. Real stupid of me.
Man, that's a lotta whining. Thanks for listening. BTW, here's the winner.