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-   -   Chris Saper: Corse Gallery & Atelier Jacksonville FL Sept 27-30 (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=9756)

Chris Saper 06-22-2013 01:45 PM

Chris Saper: Corse Gallery & Atelier Jacksonville FL Sept 27-30
5 Attachment(s)
For Love or Money: Portraiture & the Pursuit of Excellence

This 4-day workshop focuses on the challenges of becoming a successful commissioned portrait artist, which involve more than just painting well! The commissioned portrait painter must understand client relationships, business practices, marketing and promotional activities in addition to the complexities of delivering high-quality paintings.

This workshop includes both studio painting and lecture sessions. Saper will address the following areas of study: getting a likeness; understanding the colors of light and shadow; using photographic references successfully; presenting yourself and your work effectively; client relations; understanding your market; and developing your own business plan. The handbook, “For Love or Money: A Business Handbook for Portrait Painters” (available through www.blurb.com) will be used in this class. It is not necessary to buy the handbook, but Saper will have copies available for purchase.

The focus is on oil media, but painters of any medium are welcome, including those who wish to work in monochrome. Saper has proficiency with oil, pastel and acrylic, and can guide the watercolorist in all principles of color, drawing and design.

Chris Saper 06-22-2013 01:56 PM

The top two painting are life demos from a recent class. You can see the "color notes" on the upper right edge of the canvas. We work from live models on days 1 and 3 - one under a cool light, the other under a warm light, and complete the portraits on days 2 and 4 with photos I take - and teach you how to take your own excellent reference photos.

My goal is to help you do do more finished commission pieces that retain the freshness of work done from life:)

Charis Congail 08-14-2013 10:42 AM

Being from Southern California, I was so excited when i noticed your workshop announcement.... until i realized it is being held in Florida. :(

I haven't noticed many opportunities for workshops, camaraderie, and study out this (wild wild west) direction: I'll be looking forward to the next one you hold in Arizona.

Chris Saper 08-14-2013 01:17 PM

Thanks for the kind note!

Unfortunately my Jacksonville workshop has been cancelled. I don't do very many workshops per year - maybe 3 at most - and just finished one in Prescott AZ, and will teach again there next summer.

If you would like to host a workshop I would be happy to discuss details with you! Just send me an email at [email protected], or call at 602-957-8107 - we can talk about parameters:)

Charis Congail 08-14-2013 02:20 PM

As much as I'd love to host a workshop, or arrange for one in my area, I'm just starting to make connections with art groups around here and know next to no one -- especially anyone interested in doing portraiture or even realism. Lots of brightly colored snakes, though.

It seems like a lot of arts organizations in my area are defunct (well, THAT's a word you don't hear every day anymore!), or poorly run. I've tried contacting a few about hosting a workshop with Marvin Mattelson, and I can't even get them to return calls or emails. Quite frustrating.

However, I will keep hosting in mind, and I will be watching for when you do another workshop in your area. I can use all the help I can get...

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