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Joseph Hammond 01-10-2012 06:04 PM

Liz in leather boots
1 Attachment(s)
I just finish this painting and would really like some comments. I've been trying to soften the edges and tose edges in some areas. Do you think I might have gone to far in the dark areas? Also is the highlight on the boot too strong?It might be competeing with the face.

Cynthia Daniel 02-13-2012 02:40 AM

Joseph, I suggest you also post some closeups. That might help get some response. :)

Joseph Hammond 02-13-2012 09:22 PM

Liz in leather boots
2 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the suggestion Cynthia. I'm including some close ups I just shot.

Ngaire Winwood 03-19-2012 12:33 PM

Well Done Joseph, you have put alot of work onto those boots.

Others will make better comments than mine, but I find there should be more lost edges away from the focal point areas.

Was this done using a photo reference?


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