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Renee Price 07-15-2007 02:30 PM

Thomas O'Hagan
1 Attachment(s)
This is the write-up about Thomas from my website:


Tom Edgerton 07-15-2007 06:53 PM


I'm very proud of this for you, and for them...

Best as always--TE

Alexandra Tyng 07-16-2007 11:09 AM


You did a great job capturing this man's likeness and spirit. No wonder his wfe is pleased. What a tragic story.

Garth Herrick 07-16-2007 02:36 PM

Dear Renee,

Bravo, and kudos for a sucessful and touching portrait of a fallen hero. It is so true that proper photographic references rarely exist for those who need to be honored with a portrait. I am intigued that you went as far as using a plaster cast to study forms an lighting. Sometimes I have wanted to try to sculpt a head before painting it, for the same reasons. I never have, though.

Congratulations on your sucess,


Chris Saper 07-16-2007 04:17 PM


Congratulations on such a lovely painting, and on having the opportunity to add so much to a family's lives.

Renee Price 07-18-2007 02:27 PM

Thank you all very much! Because of the photos, circumstances, and the fact that I'd never met him, this painting was a challenge. I read a lot about him online, and studied pictures of him until I felt familiar enough to paint him, not just copy a photo. I wanted Andrea and her boys to be satisfied, and thankfully they were.

Garth, with Thomas I painted from a plaster cast that I bought from Sculpture House a couple of years ago. But it's funny that you said that you'd thought about sculpting a head before painting it. I've been working on a painting of a little girl and I really missed having a solid reference. So, I checked everywhere to find a plaster head of a child. Nothing. After reading through Heidi's website (very informative), I decided to make my own. I was surprised -- it actually didn't turn out half bad. But that's another thread. :sunnysmil

thanks again!


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