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Chris Saper 07-02-2006 09:01 PM

2 Attachment(s)
SAS guided Open Studio again. And so much fun, again. This Open studio was more instructional in nature, based on the overall students' preferences, a bit more a painting demo and color mixing lesson.

The session has 6 available hours to paint, but I don't know really how many of those I used for this study.

Maria is a terrific model, still as stone. You can see in the upper right hand corner some little color mixing demo notes, looking for colors of skin in shadow/light, background in shadow/light,etc. There's also a little placing-the-pupil diagram.

Another Open Studio session is coming up in July:)

Mari DeRuntz 07-02-2006 09:41 PM

I LOVE the anatomical knowledge behind the construction of that nose.

I am completely amazed by rare minds like yours that can both DEMO and paint (and speak to a group) at the same time.

Six hours would fry my brain.

Chris Saper 07-02-2006 10:26 PM

Dear Mari,

Thanks for your comment and your humor.

I saw a young teenager at the mall recently - her t-shirt said "I could talk all day". I need one of those t-shirts.

I can only try to imagine the intense focus of what you are doing -6 hours would definitely be overload. I think that Bill Whitaker said that 3 hours or so was his max before needing to get away, nap, whatever.

I can usually work about 4-5 hours , then my brain is too tired, and I will start to make mistakes.

Chris Saper 07-02-2006 10:55 PM

PS The anotomical stuff behind th nose construction has to do with two things;

1. observation, and
2. anatomy - all that I learned in Ginger Leyendeckers class, and Karen Taylor's course on forensic drawing.This study told me what to look for.

Alexandra Tyng 07-03-2006 12:06 AM

Chris, not only have you constructed a really strong head with color, I see some really nice subtleties in the changing angles that are beginning to come out more in your work. It's such a joy to look at, and thanks for posting the closeup.

Mari DeRuntz 07-03-2006 12:16 AM

Chris, you've articulated two principles that I hold dear:

A balance between what you see (observation) and what you know (anatomical studies).

You're an inspiration.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-03-2006 03:00 PM

Hi Chris,

I love the close-up. It's always interesting to see what goes into the build up of a face. I was just looking at your book for how you handled kids in the sun. I noticed with interest how your work and style as changed over the years. Pretty cool!

Sharon Knettell 07-03-2006 04:00 PM


Really strong!

Well done, the nose is indeed well constucted, that is usually my Waterloo.

Love the color.

Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco 07-03-2006 05:19 PM

the close up is a lesson in itself
Thank you for posting it

Chris Saper 07-03-2006 05:46 PM

Thanks very much everyone.

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