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Lara Cannon 06-17-2006 07:02 PM

Drawing Help
3 Attachment(s)

This is a charcoal and white chalk portrait drawn on watercolor paper with an India Ink wash.

It was commissioned from a very small photograph taken in 1968. I am really struggling with it at the moment. I could use some fresh insight.

Thank you,
Lara Cannon

Mischa Milosevic 06-19-2006 04:09 AM

Lara, this is wonderfully done! The hair is soft, the skin is soft it is a excellent representation. I have not much experience with working from photos, rather from life, I am forced to learn the distortion issues.
Now, please accept my suggestions with a grain of salt, as the saying goes.

There are a few things that I would consider. First her top lip (where the reflected lite is). If you wish to preserve her original smile as is in the photo than I would bring that part of the lip down a touch. That would cover the teeth some but I think that is ok. Look at the teeth again the angle in front.

The chin mite need some adjusting. Distortion I think. It seems like it is to big for her face.

The bridge of her nose is pointing out just a touch.
Her right shoulder, our left, because of camera distortion, it is small. I would just extend a line from the high point and give an indication of a arm.
One more thing the sterno-mastoid muscle stands out just a touch.

I hope this helps.

Lara Cannon 06-19-2006 09:46 AM

Thank you,

That was really helpful. I'll see what I can do with those suggestions and post again.


Chris Saper 06-22-2006 11:39 PM


Beautiful job. I love it as it is.If you modify, please post!

John Reidy 06-25-2006 08:32 AM


I agree - A BEAUTIFUL DRAWING. Creating a portrait from old photographs is one of the hardest jobs to complete successfuly and your job is wonderfully performed.

But, (and since this is the critique session, there's always a "but") I would consider adjusting the brightness of her chin. Should it be so bright in relation to the light source?

Please post your final image. No matter what changes you make I'm sure your client will cherise it. Beautiful.

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