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Cindy Procious 04-05-2006 07:32 AM

Was there a password sent out in an email to the membership for the now protected Oil Critiques section?

Did I miss it?

Cindy Procious 04-05-2006 07:37 AM

Sorry - I was too hasty in posting - I see a thread below.

To quote Emily Letella - Nevermind.

Chris Saper 04-05-2006 08:09 PM

There's always somethin'. I miss Emily Letella.

Julie Deane 04-17-2006 09:24 PM

Okay - I don't get it. I tried logging out, then logging in and putting in my password, or at least what I thought it was. Anyway, I logged in just fine, but I still am being asked for a password for accessing the Critiques section. So - now what?

Allan Rahbek 04-17-2006 09:46 PM

The password for the Critique section = Critique. Says on top of the section.

Cynthia Daniel 04-17-2006 10:55 PM

The password is just to keep out the search engines.

Julie Deane 04-18-2006 05:46 PM


Valerie Gudorf 05-28-2006 02:56 AM

I still don't understand how to obtain the password in order to access the Critique Sections. Can someone please either spell it out for me or direct me to where I can find this information? Is the password for this section different from the one I use to log in to the forum in general?

Julie Deane 05-28-2006 02:43 PM

Yes it's different. Simply spell out the word "critique" after a password is requested and you'll get in.

Cynthia Daniel 06-14-2008 07:39 AM

There is now only one password protected Critiques section. All others have been removed.

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