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Bobbi Baldwin 03-05-2006 04:49 AM

Moving to the SF Peninsula
:) Hi. I am hoping to find out about studios, art stores, and other artists in the San Mateo County area of the Peninsula. We are 95% sure of our move within the year. We are just beginning the search for a home and studio ... and of course a great new group of local friends in the business to enjoy. Is there anyone out there that might know some of the area? Are there any good studios where models are shared? Names of models in the area? Art stores to go to? If you have any input about the area, I would really like to hear.

Thank you,
Bobbi Baldwin

Bobbi Baldwin 04-01-2007 03:29 PM

Renewing the business in a new location ...
Just an update: I am now getting my new Atelier settled. We have moved to a wonderful new home near Menlo Park and my new Studio/Atelier keys have just been attained.

My formal studio is now located at 1528 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo. If you are interested and ever in the area, call ahead, and I would welcome the visit. It is a totally new town for me, and I must say a new adventure. I love meeting other portrait artists.

The portrait artists I have met here, so far, are wonderful and welcoming. I look forward to my first workshop in my new studio. Please go to my website to find the date. www.BobbiBaldwin.com

Chris Saper 04-01-2007 11:18 PM

Dear Bobbie,

The best of luck to you!

Bobbi Baldwin 04-02-2007 07:29 PM

thank you ...
Hi Chris!
Thank you. I will be at the seminar and get to see you then. Do you mind if I bring my copy of your book to have you sign it? I have a collection of signed books now. Yours will be a great addition, if you wouldn't mind.

It will be good to see you in person and exciting to see you speaking. I am not sure of my breakout group ... but, I think I picked one you were in.

My book is 99.9999% done ... yes, it has been years since I asked you about yours. But, life is busy and nothing happens until the time is right. right?
with smiles,


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