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Jimmie Arroyo 12-15-2005 03:52 AM

"Erica with Scissors"
1 Attachment(s)
Well, I decided to roll with the "with" titles, so this one is "erica with scissors". There is no other meaning other than she is a hairstylist. I went with the red because I'm on a red thing lately, but used a little watercolor due to the beauty of Egon Schiele's drawings with watercolor. It's something I definitely plan to use again. It's also a great excuse to use that watercolor set I won a few months back for a drawing I had done. :cool:

Oh yeah, it's graphite, pastel, watercolor, on fawn colored Stonehenge paper 11x22". I will try to post closeups another time.

Claudemir Bonfim 12-15-2005 08:34 AM

One more great piece Jimmie!

Jeff Fuchs 12-15-2005 08:36 AM

This is very nice, Jimmie. Tell me. Are you still drawing for your own improvement, or are these commissions?

These people need to buy your stuff!

Kimberly Dow 12-15-2005 09:09 AM

Jimmie - wow

This is fabulous as always.

I love that splash of color.

Your an inspiration. :D

Jimmie Arroyo 12-15-2005 09:21 AM

Thank you Claudemir.

Jeff, I guess you could say it's for my own improvement to up the quality of my drawings portfolio. It's only my third drawing these year compared to about twenty last year, and the three have been done within the month. Actually, the only other drawing was a commission of a nude done for her husband's birthday, but she asked not to have it posted on the internet.

I'm also trying to have new drawings available for drawing competitions. But one of the main reasons is that I simply miss drawing, I've been concentrating on pastels so much, that I've ignored my pencils! I wish I could sell my stuff so I could quit my day job and not create during late hours. Last night, it was 41 degrees in my attic, I had my heater riiiiiiiiiiiiight next to me.

Maybe they'll start selling after I die and Jeff could sell his and retire. :o

Jimmie Arroyo 12-15-2005 09:22 AM

Awwwwwww, thanks Kim! You musta snuck in there while I was blabbing.

Alexandra Tyng 12-15-2005 10:09 AM

Jimmie, I like this one a lot. Erica looks a little quirky, and very interesting. Maybe because I'm female, looking at portraits of generically attractive women doesn't interest me especially. That's why I like this so much. You've captured so much of her character in this drawing.


Jeff Fuchs 12-15-2005 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jimmie Arroyo
... I simply miss drawing, I've been concentrating on pastels so much, that I've ignored my pencils!

It seems that no one appreciates drawings as much as artists do. I think the public sees drawings as a poor substitute for paintings. I am blown away by a quality drawing, maybe more than by paintings.

Though I'm trying to learn to paint, my DickBlick shopping cart has more drawing supplies than anything else. There's just something pure and honest about drawing.

Patricia Joyce 12-15-2005 02:23 PM

Can you post close ups, Jimmie? I really like this, a little unnerving with the scissors pointing down to a blood red belt, and the look on her face. Kind of a strong reactio to this one, but I love it.

I so admire your working in that cold attic so late at night. I really wish I could do the same, AND quit my day job. I don't know how you do it. does your day job make you as crazy as mine makes me. I am so depressed being here and not in my studio. Oh well, some day...

I love you work Jimmie... :exclamati :) :thumbsup:

Terri Ficenec 12-15-2005 04:40 PM

She's, well, just a little bit dangerous looking!! What a neat piece Jimmie. Beautifully done.

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