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Garth Herrick 10-31-2005 02:35 PM

Red Chair, or Black?
2 Attachment(s)
I am cleaning up a reference photo in Photoshop for a portrait of a Federal Chief Judge, and the thought came to me overnight that he may look better in a traditional ceremonial red chair than in the contemporary black chair, normally in use.

The painting will be life size, 42" by 36". Below is the current proposed cropping, and beneath that, a GIF animation illustrating the change in the seating. He was photographed in the black chair for this pose, and also posed in the red chair during this same shoot session. I think he looks his best in this pose, but that he also needs the red chair as a frame.

Please give me your thoughts on this image and the chair. I'll need this done about Christmas.



PS: I also straightened the flag pole.

Carolyn Bannister 10-31-2005 02:49 PM

Definitely the red one IMHO, frames him nicely and looks much more befitting of his status and the formal look of the portrait.

The black one looks really out of place to me, more like an everyday office chair.


Garth Herrick 10-31-2005 02:57 PM

Thanks Carolyn!

I think he favors the red chair too. He actually uses the black chair in his courtroom (as do most). He is actually posed before his bench in this reference (but back a meter or more so I could see his knees). The flag is always there as is the red background wall.


Allan Rahbek 10-31-2005 03:21 PM

I am inn for the shape of the red chair too.
How about making the color of it a dark brown ? That might function as a link between all the other colors.


Garth Herrick 10-31-2005 03:25 PM

Thanks Allan,

A dark brown chair sounds like a worthy idea, for the reasons you propose.


Claudemir Bonfim 10-31-2005 03:49 PM

Have you considered a bright yellow one with a purple background?! (Just kidding!)

The red one looks much better than the other one. I would like to see the brown one too!

Richard Monro 10-31-2005 04:07 PM

Definitely the red chair. it allows the judge to be the center of attention since it blends somewhat with the background. The black chair (aside from being just plain ugly) competes with the central figure.

Cynthia Daniel 10-31-2005 04:28 PM

I agree with the red one.

Jeff Fuchs 10-31-2005 04:47 PM

Another opinion
I would consider omitting the chair altogether, but if you include it, I'd go with the red.

A black chair emerging from behind a black robe could cause people to wonder whether the good judge were stricken with a heartbreaking orthopedic affliction.

Linda Brandon 10-31-2005 05:18 PM

Hi Garth,

How wedded are you to the red wall?
(I vote for the red chair, too.)

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