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Mary Sparrow 04-21-2005 12:00 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Have you ever seen a just turned 2 year old with so much hair?

19x25 pastel on la carte.

David Draime 04-21-2005 01:56 PM

Beautiful job, Mary. This is very fresh and painterly. I always enjoy seeing your work. Keep posting!

Jimmie Arroyo 04-21-2005 03:21 PM

Mary, this may be my favorite pastel of yours. There's something different in the flesh colors, not sure why? More vibrant? Whatever it is, you did it good. Or is it "well"?

Tech question; the lightest light on her face, what color or number is it? If it's Doaks, then it's hard to say. The lightest light I use is RE13 by Unison, Daniel Greene uses, (I think), number 296 by Nupastel.

Thanks for posting.

Mary Sparrow 04-21-2005 03:34 PM

Thank you David and Jimmie, I have to admit it is my favorite. I rarely even admit to liking them. I wish the images looked on here like it looks in person.

Jimmie, I couldn't tell you what that color was..it is one of the Doaks, all I can say is that it was one of the palest blues he sent me.

Terri Ficenec 04-21-2005 05:11 PM

Mary, this is marvelous!
I've got to agree that it's my favorite of yours too... I agree with what Jimmie said above, there's something subtly different about the way you've handled her.... more depth. Just gorgeous! :thumbsup:

Sharon Knettell 04-22-2005 02:47 PM


I do agree that this is one of your best so far! The skin colors really glow. I like your vignetting with the darker roses, next to the light color of the dress. The pink bow is a really fresh touch.

Mary Sparrow 04-24-2005 09:11 AM

Thank you Terri and Sharon!

Linda Brandon 04-24-2005 12:48 PM

Hi Mary, I agree with everyone - this is awfully nice work. I especially like the feel of movement you have going on here: the slight twist of the figure and the loose diagonal background helps give her energy in the pose.

Denise Hall 04-24-2005 05:35 PM


This is one beautiful portrait - love that expression - how do you do it? Your colors are wonderful and I love the dramatic handling of lights and dark.


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