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Mary Sparrow 04-18-2005 12:21 PM

Ellie's brother Will
2 Attachment(s)
Here is Ellie's big brother Will. I'll spare you all the next few vignettes ;) . Seems there has been a run on these lately, I'm ready to do something new, but have a few more to do.

Carolyn Bannister 04-18-2005 01:14 PM

These are lovely, I especially like the light on Ellies big brother :thumbsup:

What kind of paper are you using, the colour looks very like the sennelier I was using, but how do you keep it so clean?

Carolyn (Bannister)

Chris Saper 04-18-2005 01:54 PM


Yum! You have really conveyed such a strong quality of the light!

Mary Sparrow 04-18-2005 02:18 PM

Thank you Chris, I've spent hours studying your portraits and how you handle light, so if you are liking these you have yourself to thank :D

Carolyn, it is the Sennelier la carte, and the answer to your question is VERY, VERY carefully.

David Draime 04-18-2005 02:50 PM

Luminous. It glows....

Carol Norton 04-18-2005 04:45 PM

Spare Us Not!!!
I'll spare you all the next few vignettes ;) . Seems there has been a run on these lately, I'm ready to do something new, but have a few more to do.[/QUOTE]

Please, Mary, DO NOT SPARE US ANY of your beauriful work. I, too, have studied Chris' work along with studying WITH Chris, as I am attracted to the kind of beauriful strength of light and color both of you so masterfully display in your paintings. I love these two. They are inspirational. I thank you for sharing them with us.

Carol Norton

Garth Parker 04-19-2005 12:43 AM

What a beautiful touch. I especially like the brother. What was it you were going to spare us from :)? I think the sunlight and contrast are nicely done. I

Lisa Ober 04-19-2005 02:39 AM

Mary, as usual these are both so lovely. You have the uncanny ability to capture the essence of children. I just love the way you handle lighting. What a pair these two make! The client is going to kiss you.

Linda Brandon 04-19-2005 11:36 AM

Hi Mary,

These are beautiful, fresh, and will hang togehter very well. Don't stop posting vignettes, you are encouraging me to try one myself.

You have a wonderful, charming touch with children; not everybody can do this. Congratulations again!

Ngaire Winwood 04-19-2005 08:05 PM

Mary, Will is great. The lighting is spot on. He is nearly ready to walk out of the paper. It is a thrill to see you develop your style.

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