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Elizabeth Schott 03-27-2005 01:37 AM

Planes of the Head
2 Attachment(s)
Well I have found myself in a desperate spot, so I am going to attempt to take matters into my own hands.

"The Planes of the Head" by John Asaro which is featured in John Howard Sanden's book, was also introduced to me in AZ while attending a Whitaker workshop as a great tool for creating form with light when the details might need more explanation or not be there at all, as in a posthumous portrait.

I cannot locate one of these cast.

With the help of the place that cuts my hair and some very high tech clay, I would like to recreate a "cast" like head loosely based on the above.

I am just concerned that I don't fully understand why the two sides of the head differ, before looking closely I thought it was muscular, but now I don't know if it is to show how different areas would turn for different types of light.

Does anyone know the history of this sculpture and what the sides mean?


Maria Nemchuk 03-27-2005 02:08 AM


Are you looking for something like this head cast ?

Elizabeth Schott 03-27-2005 10:56 AM

Thanks for the link Maria, I had seen that posted here some where before. Honestly their images are so poor I can't tell what is going on.

It is the one above I would like, you will see how the two sides are modeled differentl. It is the further explaination as to why - I am trying to find here.

Allan Rahbek 03-27-2005 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Elizabeth Schott
Thanks for the link Maria, I had seen that posted here some where before. Honestly their images are so poor I can't tell what is going on.

It is the one above I would like, you will see how the two sides are modeled differentl. It is the further explaination as to why - I am trying to find here.

Hi Beth,

I think that the two sides represent a rough and a more detailed model of the head.

As a sculptor would go for the egg shape first and put details such as nose and mouth in later.


Elizabeth Schott 03-27-2005 01:33 PM

Thanks Allan, see I would have not looked at it that way!

I posted this at too other sites, and some one sent me to this thread at Wet Canvas, here is the important part:


Re: Anyone know where to by plaster casts?
I have the ORIGINAL PLANES OF THE HEAD for sale. I took over the business that my uncle started back in the 1970's. He is a very well known artist and he sculpted these in the 70's and they have been made ever since. Now I have the business and the heads are lightweight plastic that is virtually unbreakable with a tripod insert in the bottom so that artists can angle the head to match their subject. THERE IS ONLY ONE "ORIGINAL" Planes of the Head, all others being sold are unauthorized fakes. I am the only one who has them until I sell to Art supply stores and art colleges in other states.

Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.
Happy painting and drawing
Karen, Owner of Planes of the Head
I'll let you know if I hear back from her.

Edgar Coleman 03-27-2005 04:39 PM

Found "planes" at Statue.com
Hi Elizabeth -

I found "Planes of the Head" at Statue.com a few seconds ago.

Caution - I own "Planes" and have many colleagues who have inadvertently broken their copy due to a narrow base. So I would make sure that you place the interior of the statue on a stick (covered with cloth for extra protection) that is screwed solidly and supported by a wood base in order to prevent it from falling over and breaking.

Here is some information and a link below:


More Info Item Code: TSH1028P
Size: 17" HIGH
List Price:$ 137.00

These are made to order by an Italian artisan and are specially crafted for each order and will take up to 6 weeks for delivery. Each are finished and carefully crafted by hand. This copy may be a variation of the Asaro rendition.

Regards -

Elizabeth Schott 03-27-2005 07:05 PM

Thanks Edgar, I had seen that one too. (Cynthia needs to teach these cast sites how to fix their images.)

It is very different from the one above as best as I could tell the first time I looked at their site.

That would make sense about the small base. The hand I have holding a sphere has a wood peg and base which causes me to hold my breath everytime I walk by.

Steven Sweeney 06-27-2005 02:44 PM

I'm a little surprised that this URL doesn't show up on a Forum search, so I'll toss it into the mix. I saw it in a recent art mag, though I'm afraid I don't remember which one. (My memory is full, and I've forgotten as well how to close other applications to make room.)

This appears to be a bit of a knockoff of the one we've come to know and love through its near-mythic omnipresence and paradoxical retail unavailability, but in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and so on . . .


Claudemir Bonfim 07-05-2005 08:29 PM

Hi Beth,

I have the book by Asaro, it's a 35 paged one, I can email you the main pages or all of them if you want.

Claudemir Bonfim 07-05-2005 08:31 PM

3 Attachment(s)
A few pages...

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