Portrait Artist Forum

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Cynthia Daniel 02-02-2005 01:56 PM

Forum donations
You will notice a new link in the right column of the Forum for making a donation to help support the ongoing costs of maintaining this Forum. Some of the old-timers will remember that we had an earlier topic where I asked everyone's opinion regarding required vs. optional payments for the Forum. There was certainly a mix of answers. In the end, I've decided to go with an optional payment, trusting that those who find this Forum of great value and are financially able will choose to donate on a regular basis.

There are many members who have stated that the Forum has literally changed their careers. Other members who teach workshops or sell teaching tools get new contacts through this Forum.

The Portrait Artist Forum may appear to be "free." However, as with all things, there are costs associated with maintaining it. For example:

(1) Renewal of software license every year

(2) Installation of software upgrades during the year. Usually these are due to the developer finding a security loophole, so these upgrades important to maintain. We pay a technician to do these installations. Usually there are an average of 2-3 of these a year.

(3) Spellcheck feature does not automatically come with the vBulletin forum software. This is paid to a third party provider and is priced at $10/1,000 checks.

(4) Bandwidth costs. These are difficult to exactly identify since they are included in with the main Stroke of Genius web site. However, the bandwidth and associated costs definitely jumped up significantly after the creation of the Forum.

We appreciate your support!

Michele Rushworth 02-02-2005 02:46 PM

I don't have a Paypal account. Can I do it by credit card or check?

Cynthia Daniel 02-02-2005 04:11 PM

Yes, you can do it by credit card. You don't need to have a PayPal account. You will be asked to fill out all the normal information as for any credit card transaction. Through PayPal is the preferred method.

Richard Monro 02-02-2005 06:56 PM


My donation has been made and it is worth every penny to me. I think you will find that the generosity of the member will suprise you. Best wishes. This is a great site.

Terri Ficenec 02-02-2005 10:45 PM

Regarding being able to pay w/an existing credit card:
When I went to set payment up as a recurring payment, there didn't seem to be an option to use an existing credit card just PayPal, however, when I backed up and used the single payment choice, there was an option to pay with an existing credit card. So I set up a tickler on my computerized calendar for a year from now.

Thanks Cynthia!

Julie Deane 02-02-2005 10:58 PM

Worth its weight....
Cynthia -

This site is "worth its weight in gold" to me. I can't begin to say how much I have learned from it. I am happy to make a donation ahd hope others will show their appreciation too.

If I haven't said it before, I will say it now - thanks for all your hard work.

Julie Deane

Cynthia Daniel 02-02-2005 11:43 PM

Thank you, everyone!

Terri, are you saying that you already have a credit card set up with PayPal but that it did not allow you to access it? or you have never had a PayPal account and it would not allow you to enter your card?

Terri Ficenec 02-03-2005 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cynthia Daniel
Terri, are you saying that you already have a credit card set up with PayPal but that it did not allow you to access it? or you have never had a PayPal account and it would not allow you to enter your card?

I don't have a PayPal account. I wanted to pay with just an existing (non-PayPal) credit card. Clicking on the 'Donations' link opens a page with 2 options: 1) Recurring annual payment and 2)Single payment. I first tried to set up a donation as a recurring annual payment... but that opens up a form that requests information to set up a PayPal account. I didn't see an option to just use an existing credit card... (maybe I missed it?) So, I backed up to the page with the 2 options and tried the 2nd 'single payment' option. This opened a screen where you're immediately given a choice to pay with an existing credit card, or use a PayPal account. I was just more comfortable paying with the existing credit card and on this page, at least, it was clear that that's what would be happening.

Jean Kelly 02-03-2005 01:11 AM

Hi Cynthia, I'll be making my donation soon. This forum has been my lifeline back to art and helped me keep my sanity. Well worth as much as I can afford.


Cynthia Daniel 02-03-2005 02:16 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Thanks, Jean!


Yes, it was there. Note the following three images. The first image shows the first page where you would have selected recurring payment. The next image shows the next page where one selects "If you do not currently have a PayPal account." Then the third image shows the third page where credit card info can be entered. Probably, you were thrown by the large words ahead of it that said "Sign up for a PayPal account today." Below that, you can see where I've circled where you can simply enter a credit card. In order to do recurring billing, it does have to set you up in their database in order to charge for the next year.

I know you've already done yours, however, this is for anyone else who might be confused or in case you want to go on recurring next year.

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