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Tom Edgerton 12-28-2004 02:22 PM

Posthumous portrait
2 Attachment(s)
This is the third of my "Blue Trilogy." It's a posthumous portrait done from a small (2") black and white photo showing her from the neck up, in an evening dress . The canvas is 60" tall.

I rented a period suit, and an antique vase, and posed a cousin for the overall composition. I realize this is pretty loaded in terms of detail (for me) but I just wanted to explore incorporating a fairly weighty still life, just for the challenge of painting it--I wanted to see if I could balance a "bouquet that ate Cleveland" against a simple suit (plus, I just like glads). Overall, it may work more or less well, but I'm trying to push myself in complexity and be more ambitious. The curve and alignment of the stem in her hand actually happened that way, and fortunately I saw it and didn't mess it up.

This lady lived a good deal longer than this period, unfortunately with Alzheimer's disease in the last decade of her life. But as a result, her husband donated millions toward establishing a research facility for the ailment at Duke University Medical Center.


Richard Huante 12-29-2004 12:01 PM

Absolutely wonderful, Tom. I think the composition is great; very well balanced. I especially like the soft color harmony throughout, giving this dignified woman's portrait an elegantness it deserves.


Leslie Ficcaglia 12-29-2004 02:51 PM

I think it works well, Tom, and the face is just marvellous. Thanks for including the closeup of the features. I don't know how you managed to find that much very convincing detail in a two-inch black and white. Congratulations!

Marvin Mattelson 12-29-2004 03:32 PM

To die for!
You have just hit that proverbial "new level" you're always mumbling about. Now what are you gonna do next? Beautiful.

Sorry about the horrible pun in the title above. Just couldn't resist.

Tom Edgerton 12-29-2004 03:51 PM

Thanks, everyone!

As always, there are things I would do differently, but as I said, I'm trying to push forward.

Marvin, glad you think it works well enough. As you know, the only thing beyond the horizon is another horizon. But would we want it otherwise..?


PS...If it weren't pressure enough, the commissioning foundation gave me a reference scrapbook of her, and the first page I turned to was a portrait of this same woman in middle age by Howard Chandler Christy. After picking myself up off the floor, I studied her and realized it wasn't particularly good. Found out later the family didn't like it either.

Garth Herrick 12-29-2004 04:39 PM


This is stunning and sophisticated, yet so elegant! The composition is simply harmonic. For a frankenstein equivalent challenge, this is entirely successful and dignifying. I am in awe.


Linda Brandon 12-29-2004 10:50 PM

Tom, amen to all previous posts. This is a tasteful and sympathetic portrayal of a gracious lady. Your technique continues to amaze me.

Tom Edgerton 12-30-2004 10:11 AM

Folks, I appreciate the affirmation and reassurance a great deal. I just finished it and, as you all know, I'm in the "should of/ could of/ would of" stage.

I'll try to get over it.--TE

Alicia Kornick 12-30-2004 06:04 PM

Lovely portrait Tom. It's soft and warm and sophisticated. I am sure the family is very proud of this one.

Michele Rushworth 12-31-2004 07:53 PM

Love the color harmonies, Tom. I particularly like how you've matched the colors of the figure (blue clothing with peach skintones) with the vase and flowers.

Just where does one rent a suit like that?

Thanks for posting the closeup. It has those trademark "Edgerton eyes" that I'd recognize anywhere.

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