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Kimberly Dow 12-13-2004 07:52 PM

TX Lady
3 Attachment(s)
I had my first photo shoot with my client. It was 34 degrees so we cut it short, but I am really pleased with what I have so far.

The first one is my choice for pose (straighten the angle though), the second for face and the third for overall color/light.

If you see anything that jumps out as not being good, feel free to speak up. I can tell you that the light was flattering to her and she loves the poses, colors, etc.

Kimberly Dow 12-13-2004 07:54 PM

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These are other choices. I do not think she'd go for the one without the smile, but I like that close up myself.

Michele Rushworth 12-14-2004 10:24 AM

Very nice! Such a creative setting. Your work with all those figuratives certainly has broadened your imagination.

I like the first few shots. The one with the sunlight on her lower half doesn't appeal to me, though, because all that light takes attention away from her face.

I am a bit concerned about all the reflected light on the downward facing planes of her face. It looks unnatural and a bit theatrical. But, hey, maybe she's a theatrical sort of person. I think these will make a great painting.

Kimberly Dow 12-14-2004 11:05 AM


Thanks. I agree about that reflected light. It isnt as obvious in the close-ups so I was thinking I could lessen it a bit with some artistic license. She is a theatrical type - having been a country singer, but it does give a ghostly type appearance a bit, doesnt it?

I cant take credit for the locale. This is the same place her husband was photographed and later painted from. It is this gorgeous 2-story adobe building, sorta looks like a church - just huge. It is in the middle of nowhere on this huge ranch and it was apparently built for a western movie. I wish I could remember the one... Badlands maybe? There is a whole town built also somewhere out there for another western as well. That is one of my biggest accomplishments yesterday - I got the secretary's numbers so I can get permission to go out there and use the place for photo shoots!

Linda Brandon 12-17-2004 01:00 AM

Hi Kim,

You know, I like those last two poses. I like the attitude in the stance and I also like the fact that you can play with the light and dark background behind her hair to set it off or lose edges as you deem fit.

This will work well when kept loose and fresh, which I know you'll do.

In terms of color in full shade: I really advise that you physically get somebody out there - keep your client seated for a few hours (tell her you need a "color sketch" if you feel any anxiety about getting a likeness of her), hire a model, whatever you need to do - with similar coloring and practise painting skin from life outside. It will look much different than it does in this photo, I guarantee it.

Kimberly Dow 12-17-2004 01:24 AM

Thanks Linda - great suggestion to get someone out there from life. Hopefully it will warm up so I can do just that. Dang - who knew it was so cold in parts of TX.

I am on the husband's computer and the colors are so different. These photos are so yellow on this monitor. Ah well..

Kimberly Dow 01-02-2005 07:00 PM

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We had a second photo shoot. So here is one from that day.

The real reason I am posting is below though..

Kimberly Dow 01-02-2005 07:02 PM

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This is the building where we shot these - it wasn't a movie set - but a TV series called Dead Man's Walk. This photo is from really far away. I am bidding on a couple Mexican Senorita-type outfits so I can do a figurative out there.

Kimberly Dow 01-02-2005 07:04 PM

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And around another mountian on this ranch is another TV movie set. My 7-year-old and I explored this place. It is way cool. I may have to find those bordello costumes again. It is totally empty like a ghost town - and I have permission to use it if I want to. I was thinking of moving in ;)

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