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Jane Bradley 12-08-2004 06:10 PM

Paying models
How much should one pay models per hour for photo shoots? The models will probably be college students - not professional models - and probably for two hours at a time.

Michele Rushworth 12-08-2004 08:53 PM

I've heard other artists say they pay anywhere from $7 to $12 per hour, depending on the model's age. Artist's models don't make what fashion models do, that's for sure!

John Crowther 12-08-2004 10:08 PM

I recently read an article in which the artist said she pays $14 an hour if it's just life drawing, $20 an hour for a photo shoot, since the latter provides her with so much more reference material.

John C.

Sharon Knettell 12-09-2004 02:02 PM

Like anything it varies with the relative youth and appeal of the subject. I paid $12 per hour for a lovely teenager last summer but I was able to guarantee her a decent time block of about 20 hours per week

I am now paying $14 per hour as that is the rate RISD pays its figurative models and to generate some enthusiasm for a really boring job

It also varies by local. I know Marvin has someone who wants a figurative painting from him and the model fees in the NY area are much higher..

Linda Brandon 12-09-2004 03:21 PM

Hi Jane,

I pay my models $25 for a two hour time period whether I take photos or not.

I am also thinking about giving them a sketch or two after I've worked with them for a while. They always seem to want one.

Jimmie Arroyo 12-09-2004 03:53 PM

I'm a real cheap-o. For my drawings, from which I've only used photos, I don't pay anything. I give them an 8x10" print of the drawing.

But before I seem too cheap, they are of course told ahead of time that I don't pay, and they have no problem with it. And it's been over twenty people within a year in a half. They usually act like I'm doing them a favor. Many say that it's an honor, I think they are so flattered that they would be doing something unethical by accepting money. I've also never taken more than a half hour taking pics, so they may not mind much either.

If I start doing live sittings, I would'nt expect them to sit for nothing. I think between $10-15 is fair for someone who's never done it before, and is posing just for the hey of it. There's no way I'm paying someone $25 an hour for an uninteresting experienced model, which seems like the going rate in my area. Experienced and interesting is different.

Mike McCarty 12-09-2004 04:14 PM


Experienced and interesting is different
I do the same thing Jimmie, I've never paid a model.

Julie Deane 12-09-2004 04:16 PM

I'm a cheapo too
Hi Jimmie -

I paid two teenagers $10 an hour last summer. They were inexperienced models of course. They were okay with that price range.
And they got a fair number of hours' pay.

Which leads me to the thought that if you are doing a long painting, don't expect their expression to stay the same as it will be the first hour (take photos). These kids got SO bored with it all!

Cynthia Daniel 12-09-2004 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mike McCarty
I do the same thing Jimmie, I've never paid a model.

The mystery continues as to how Mike gets his beautiful, young models.

Mike McCarty 12-09-2004 04:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)

I've never paid a model.
I forgot about my model for food program.


The mystery continues
There should be a certain amount of mystery in ones life.

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