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Chris Saper 12-01-2004 08:18 PM

Scott Bartner, Artist's Magazine, Jan 2005
Dear Scott,

I just received my new Artist's Magazine, and what a fabulous article on you and your work, "From Darkness to Life".

An extremely well-deserved recognition! Congratulations!

Linda Brandon 12-02-2004 12:28 AM

Scott, this is a terrific article! It's very informative about your technique and I'm happy that your wry humor is peppered throughout the pages. Your beautiful paintings reproduced very well.

I'm so glad that you're getting all this attention. Is The Artist's Magazine available in Holland?

Scott Bartner 12-02-2004 07:38 AM

Thank you Chris and Linda:

It was great working with TAM--very nice people. Writing about one's work is almost as rewarding/frustrating as painting itself. Chris, I almost had Alexandra in the article had I been well enough to take photos and mail them. They're saying now I might have had Legionnaire's--go figure; I can't even march without tripping.

Linda, I probably won't see the article for another several weeks owing to the Atlantic and holiday mail, so drop your brushes and scan it for me--or no dropjes for Christmas!

Sharon Knettell 12-02-2004 09:02 AM


I have not seen the article, but I have seen your wonderful work. Congratulations!

Jimmie Arroyo 12-02-2004 09:40 AM

Congratulations Scott,

I just picked it up this morning at the post office, but have'nt read it. I recongnized the work immediately, "hey, I know this guy!".

Julie Deane 12-02-2004 12:19 PM

It's a great article, Scott, and your artwork shines. Great writing, too! (I wonder how many artists are also good writers?)

Janel Maples 12-02-2004 06:48 PM

Congratulations Scott!

I ditto all of the above. It was such a treat for me to pick up the magazine and recognize your name. Participating in this forum makes me feel like I know you. I already knew before the article that you were really good, so.....that makes me feel good about me. (One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies "As good as it gets")

Way to go!!

Elizabeth Schott 12-03-2004 12:40 AM

Congratulations Scott! I'll have to go steal my friend Gina's copy!

Cynthia Daniel 12-03-2004 12:46 AM

Congratulations, Scott! I'm thrilled for you!

Scott Bartner 12-03-2004 04:31 AM

Thank you all very much.

Jimmie, when I read your post quickly this morning I saw the words "post office" and "Hey, I know this guy." My heart started pounding with images of those "Wanted" posters and wondered: what have I done now?!

Linda, thank you for dedicating your afternoon to scanning and sending the article to me, when you could have been painting knights and bishops. Ten kilos of dropjes are on the way.

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