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Mike McCarty 07-02-2004 07:54 PM

Let them eat pasta
4 Attachment(s)
The secret to attracting beautiful models? Pasta! You wouldn't believe how much these girls can eat.

My buddy Linda Brandon spoke recently about working out your ideas on non paying subjects, I couldn't agree more.

Ever since I first saw the photo of the Afghan girl on the cover of National geographic years ago (and recently revisited by the same artist), I have wanted to try and make my version of that image. These first two (the serious ones) are my first attempt at that look.

I have to give people nicknames, I just can't help myself. The first is my muse Victoria, my Sicilian Peppercorn. Next is Devi AKA Two Train. She hails from Puerto Rico but grew up in the Bronx, you take #2 train to get to the Bronx.

Mike McCarty 07-02-2004 07:57 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I've always wanted to work my clock into a composition. I had them drapped all over it trying to work something out.

And Devi with Vicoria's cowboy hat.

The last is just to send home to my Mom.

Michele Rushworth 07-02-2004 10:29 PM

Many of these should be turned into paintings -- and a couple belong on magazine covers!

Mike McCarty 07-03-2004 01:43 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Maybe the cover of "Pasta Quarterly."

Thank you Michele,

I think what I've concluded is that my very elegant clock may need to be paired with an equally elegant dress, not unlike one of yours that I remember. Although, maybe the juxtaposition of the very formal with informal works on some level. Of all the shots I took I think the simplest one above (which was derived from the following) was the best approach.

The actual clock part is just sitting on the pedestal. Maybe I'll try and take it off, which would allow for some different approaches. I'm still evolving on this matter. I do love my clock.

The next is Victoria looking a little too happy to be a Taliban woman. Maybe it was the half pound of pasta she ate.

Julie Deane 07-03-2004 06:45 AM

It's not the pasta....
Mike, you are too funny! But's it's not the pasta that I bet is the draw - I bet it 's your sense of humor.

Jean Kelly 07-03-2004 12:39 PM

Okay Mike, do you really need a critique on these? You are obviously having fun with your new toy. How about her leaning against the clock (with her back on the pedestal) and her head turned to the camera? That way there is interaction with the clock and the viewer. And let her wear red!

Victoria as "the Afghan Girl" lacks the haunted quality that the original had. She's too healthy (and "well fed"). But her eyes are just beautiful in that shot.

Mike McCarty 07-03-2004 01:52 PM


I like your idea regarding the clock. In the one above I was trying to show the "waiting" or "anticipation" look, someone is supposed to be there and their late. If I get another chance I'll try your idea. Painting that clock would be no picnic. I remember trying to paint a flute not so long ago. At some point you actually have to execute these nutty ideas.

Regarding Victoria's healthy look - Afghanistan is a little too violent for me these days. I can see myself wandering around Kabul with my camera and a bag of pasta with chicken, being chased by a pack of dogs. If the dogs didn't murder me, I'd probably end up in Cuba, sleeping on a blanket.

Jean Kelly 07-03-2004 04:43 PM

The problem is how to make her more important than the clock. Maybe decreasing the size of the clock in relation to her, or placing Victoria in front of it. You have some major competition going on here. Focusing the light on her face with the clock in shadow would put the emphasis on her and also make the clock easier to paint. I now wish I had put more light on Clea's face (the rose) and will have to do that for the painting from life.


Michele Rushworth 07-03-2004 07:52 PM

A more traditional outfit and hairstyle would go better with the clock, I think.

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