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Kimberly Dow 06-07-2004 02:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is oil, 12x16" - which is really small for me. I am trying to train myself to work smaller.

Jimmie Arroyo 06-07-2004 08:10 AM

Kim, wonderful job. I enjoy the way you've modeled her arms and water. This may be my favorite of yours.

Kimberly Dow 06-07-2004 03:43 PM

Thanks Jimmie - I appreciate it. I have GOT to find a new model though, my daughter has such a big head now.

Linda Brandon 06-07-2004 06:25 PM

Kim, you've done a beautiful job with this one. I agree with Jimmie - those flesh tones are especially well modelled. I hope you plan to paint a whole series featuring your daughter.

Kimberly Dow 06-08-2004 10:34 AM

Thanks Linda. Yes, I plan a series with her since she is such a ready model, and cute to boot. I've already painted her four times - only one was a portrait to keep when she was four. My boys are slightly jealous. I told them that for figuratives to sell they need a person cute in a dress - that settled them down a bit. ;)

Mike McCarty 06-08-2004 02:53 PM

That looks really good Kim, I can't wait to see the one with the lamb and the baby bottle.

Kimberly Dow 06-08-2004 09:17 PM

Thanks Mike! I have yet to find a lamb, but there are roosters nearby...hmmm....

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