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Allan Rahbek 04-18-2004 06:46 AM

Anne at 18
4 Attachment(s)

This is a pastel of my wife

Garth Herrick 04-18-2004 12:56 PM

Hi Allan,

This lovely portrait has an interesting energy in the color scheme, which is mostly polarized between pale blue and warm peach hues. There is a nice impressionistic handling of the pastels, and you work well with brilliant colors. Is this pastel painting unfixed to maintain the high key effect?

Allan Rahbek 04-18-2004 01:43 PM

Hi Garth and thank you.

The color scheme is inspired by the pale blue in her dress. It is not a naturalistic reality. I aimed to express her mental state and choose the high key contrast, though keeping the colors in the warm area. '

I use fixing, but light.


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