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Jeff Fuchs 04-12-2004 02:14 PM

Jimmie Arroyo makes a sale
1 Attachment(s)
I've never made a secret of my admiration of Jimmie's work, and in particular, his portrait of Hacel, which really spoke to me. I love the subtle drama, and the slight tension in her pose.

A few weeks ago, I contacted Jimmie and asked if he would be willing to sell it. He agreed, and I was surprized to learn that this was his first sale.

The drawing arrived today, and I am more than delighted. So is my wife. My modest art collection isn't quite so modest anymore.

Thanks very much, Jimmie.

Kimberly Dow 04-12-2004 03:24 PM

Congratulations Jeff on a fine purchase!

I love Jimmy's work as well - in fact I am going to hire him to do one of me. That is a first, I have never before considered hiring another artist. Just need to lose that last 15 pounds and I'll have one of his pieces as well!

Jeff Fuchs 04-12-2004 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kimberly Dow
Just need to lose that last 15 pounds and I'll have one of his pieces as well!

Apparently you're not aware of Jimmie's opinion on this topic. Keep the 15 pounds.

Kimberly Dow 04-12-2004 05:09 PM

That's the joy of doing commissions - your opinion doesn't always matter. ;)

Linda Brandon 04-12-2004 06:52 PM

Jeff, I'm so glad you posted this. There is nothing so thrilling as having somebody love a painting enough to pay for it. It's especially thrilling when that other person is an artist. I find it very hard to believe that this is Jimmie's first sale! It definitely won't be the last one. This is a beautiful drawing.

John Zeissig 04-12-2004 07:36 PM


Congratulations to Jimmie and you. I'm a big fan of Jimmie's work also. Obviously you and Kim have excellent taste! Linda's right: Jimmie has every reason to be optimistic about his art career. :thumbsup:

Jimmie Arroyo 04-13-2004 09:32 AM

Thanks guys, I'm blushing as I type.


Apparently you're not aware of Jimmie's opinion on this topic. Keep the 15 pounds
Ha, I don't think I've ever expressed my views on voluptous women here. :o

Kim, looking foward to the honor of doing your portrait.


I find it very hard to believe that this is Jimmie's first sale! It definitely won't be the last one
Very kind words, but I'm surprised I got one so soon. It will be a year at the end of the month when I started taking drawing seriously, after not doing so since high school.

Thanks again, especially Jeff.

Magdalena Castaneda 04-25-2004 11:27 PM

Hi Jeff, Jimmie,

I've been away for awhile, and am back home and didn't want to pass up the opportunity to congratulate both of you. You Jimmie for your fine work, and Jeff for your knowing good work when you see it. Way to go to you both!


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