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Kimberly Dow 03-21-2004 02:36 AM

Custom canvas size
Does anyone know of a company that stretches custom sized canvas?

I really hate stretching my own and try to use standards, but cannot this time.

Thanks for any help.

Steven Sweeney 03-21-2004 10:39 AM

There's an outfit in Austin that does this. Don't have the contact info at the moment, but will have it for you a little later today.

Chris Saper 03-21-2004 12:31 PM

Kim, there's a lot written here about New Traditions panels. They will make up the panels at any size you want, or you can a ready -made size and trim it with a utility knife.

Linda Brandon just got a custom - size panel, and I think it had reinforced cradling on the back.

Michele Rushworth 03-21-2004 12:43 PM

Kim, you wrote:

I really hate stretching my own.
I had not stretched a canvas since college (a LONG time ago!) until last year and thought it would be difficult. Even in college I stretched only a few canvases.

Then I started to really enjoy using the Claessens linen which comes on a roll. I began stretching my own canvases and found it to be surprisingly easy. In the past year or so I have stretched at least a couple dozen canvases, up to 30x40" in size. I like the flexibility of being able to have a canvas in any size I want, when I want it, and with top quality linen available in a wide range of textures and weights. I can also easily remove and restretch a painting, too, if I need to.

Kim, I'm not sure if you've stretched a bunch of canvases lately and just don't enjoy the process, or if you may not have much experience with it and may be thinking it's a difficult thing to do. It's really not hard, and to me, well worth doing myself.

Kimberly Dow 03-21-2004 11:22 PM

Thanks all-

Chris, I have never used a panel; I will have to try that. I guess I am leery of using if for the first time on something important. Linda had also mentioned ABS panels and I tried to find some locally, but did not. I am going to read that link you posted again.

Michelle, maybe I have not been shown or learned how to do it right, but I am never happy with mine that I stretch - they are just not tight enough and I may not have enough patience. My husband does it for me and they are better, but still not perfect. Besides, waiting on him is torture. I agree I should learn to do this better. That's a goal I wrote down for this year as a matter of fact, but I am procrastinating.

Steven, whenever you have that information on an Austin company that does it I'd love to hear.


Chris Saper 03-21-2004 11:34 PM

Dear Kim,

Perhaps I am using the term "panel" a bit too loosely. When I say "panel", I mean a firm surface, either directly affixed to, or adhered on a rigid support. In opposition to the "springboardy" quality of a stretched canvas, where behind the linen lies only air.

I know many painters who are impassioned about each type of surface. Like most things, there isn't a right or wrong, just the thing that you personally prefer. I like the rigid surface, but I can name a dozen painters who hate it.

Chuck Yokota 03-22-2004 02:51 AM

I don't know the answer to your question about stretched canvasses, but if you are interested in trying ABS panels you might try calling Laird Plastics in San Antonio, 210 657-6001. They should have 4ft x 8ft sheets of ABS.

Garth Herrick 03-22-2004 03:14 AM


If you need to stretch your own REALLY custom size, here's an idea:

I have a composition I am working on that measures 30 1/2 " x 35 1/2 ". I successfully achieved this in a stretched linen canvas using (Utrecht) heavy duty stretchers that were 30" x 36". What I did was to knock the four corners out of kilter by 1/4 " , and then trim the protruding tenons with a saw. Then I stretched the linen over the specially prepared stretchers as I normally would. You need to use heavy duty stretchers, and 1/4" is about as far as you can push each corner. But this doubles to 1/2" overall!


Kimberly Dow 03-22-2004 09:55 AM


I bet I would love working on a rigid surface, I just need to get my hands on some. I have an email into New Traditions and will try some soon even if I do not get my large one from them.

Chuck - thank you! I am calling them this morning. I must have emailed a dozen places in SA, but only one answered me.

Garth, thank you for that information, sounds like a lot of work though!

Kimberly Dow 03-23-2004 07:00 PM

Chuck - I got myself an ABS panel yesterday. The company you mentioned was out of stock, but they sent me to others.

I already have my piece I cut (30x60") and sanded. I am looking forward to using it, but I am not sure I will use this material for that size again. I got 1/4" and it's fairly heavy. My husband assures me it is not too heavy to go in a frame and hang, but it seems like it is going to have to be a pretty heavy-duty frame. Next time I will try 3/16" perhaps.

I did get a quote from New Traditions, but it is costly. I want a panel as cheap as canvas dang it! And lightweight, and ready-made, and, and...free pizza.

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