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Julie Deane 01-14-2004 03:48 PM

Expensive Canvas Pliers?
Hi -

I've found out that I just don't have the strength to stretch large canvases well. I am wondering if the more expensive canvas pliers make a difference. I am particularly wondering about some made by the John Annersley Company http://www.johnannesley.com/canvas_pliers.html

They are advertised as providing more leverage, and they look like they do. Does anyone have these or others that they would recommend? I don't have the luxury of having anyone to help me do the stretching very often.

Timothy C. Tyler 01-14-2004 07:15 PM

I recently bought some like these from the fellows in Maine. They work way better than the cheap ones that I used to break in half. You can get some nice ones for about $75.00 from the big art supply stores-that are similiar. They work better yet still require some torque from you.

Marvin Mattelson 01-14-2004 08:54 PM

The one's made by Holbein are fantastic. They make a larger size that is designed for large canvases.

Julie Deane 01-14-2004 10:34 PM

Thanks for the info. I didn't know that Hobein makes different sizes. Timothy, please excuse my ignorance, but who are the "fellows in Maine"?

Timothy C. Tyler 01-14-2004 11:34 PM

Julie, these are the ones I bought(Link below). The ones Marvin mentioed are cheaper and I think probably as good, they are the brand I refered for $75.00.


Julie Deane 02-12-2004 03:47 PM

They are a big help
Hi Tim -

Thanks for your Twinbrooks suggestion. Not only are the pliers just what I needed, but the gentleman from whom I ordered over the phone took the time to tell me just how to use them for the best results. I am very impressed with their pliers and their service.

Linda Nelson 03-26-2004 07:59 PM


I bought the pliers you recommended here and I am SOOOOOO thankful for having done so. Those things are awesome. Worth every penny.

Thanks for sharing the info.

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