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Lisa Gloria 12-05-2003 03:17 PM

This Tony Ryder method is just loads of fun. I love the way the envelope resolves into the contour, as though deciphering the equation of someone. It's really helping me develop my visual measuring abilities. Then the values are like painting, with subtle things just appearing magically, as though by intention only. I'm really enjoying this.

One thing Tony does is a sensitive contour but without a lot of line variation. I've started trying to sneak it in and will continue experimenting with this.

This is Bret, my husband, in his jammies. 12 x 9 inches. I hope this doesn't count as a nude. If it does, just delete the thread please.

Any comments are welcome!!


Lisa Gloria 12-05-2003 03:28 PM

Here is a closeup.


Patricia Joyce 12-05-2003 04:34 PM

This is really nice, Lisa! I'm really struggling with the envelope approach in my life drawing class and I have plucked down big bucks to attend his workshop in January!! Your work is very nice...how long did this drawing take you?
Have a nice weekend
Pat Joyce

Linda Brandon 12-05-2003 08:20 PM

Hi Lisa and Pat,

I'm also working with Ryder's envelope method and I can't stop marveling at it. When the form appears it feels magical and somehow "organic". His book ought to be on every artist's shelf.

Lisa, I really like this drawing of your (handsome) husband.

Lisa Gloria 12-05-2003 11:11 PM


Well, honestly sometimes the envelope is not very nice to me all the time. On this drawing, http://www.gloriadesign.com/images/bret1.jpg I took forever to place the eyes, and I think they're too high. I did the one in this thread to do something easier - I tend to create impossible projects for myself and wonder why they didn't work. This drawing took about 2 hours for the contour, and 3-4 hours for the shading. The other drawing took somewhat longer.


Thanks! For the record, his head really is just slightly larger than regular humans. All the better to admire, I always say.

Kimberly Dow 12-06-2003 03:00 AM

These are nice Lisa! I'm going to have to get that book - I've been reading your posts on this and I guess I need to investigate.

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