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Kimberly Dow 11-04-2003 09:04 PM

Waddell Children
1 Attachment(s)
This is oil, 20" x 24".

They were fun to paint, but challenging. It took me longer than usual. The clients are thrilled, so that is always good. There are subtle things that do not show in this photo.

Mike Dodson 11-04-2003 10:31 PM


This is your best painting to date! I believe you are proof that in order to improve as an artist it takes alot of hard work and it is certainly is paying off for you.

The one thing that really grabs me here is the consistant temperature that you have managed to carry from the background into the flesh tones and throughout the other elements of the painting.


Andrea Kantrowitz 11-04-2003 10:45 PM

Hi Kimberly-

I agree, I think this is one of your best yet--I can see why the parents are so happy-the personalities of the children really shine through. The side and slightly up light also contibutes to a fresh, natural and contemporary quality.

I'll add my congratulations, too.


Kimberly Dow 11-05-2003 01:24 AM

Thank you Mike & Andrea!

I got some very helpful comments in the WIP section while I was working on this one - so thank you all of you who commented there.

I do not know if it is my best so far or my favorite, but I am particularly happy with my progress when it comes to edges. As much I have picked up here, I think I got so much help with that from Tim's workshop.

Lynn T. McCallum 11-05-2003 01:39 AM

I like!

The sister in the back looks like the stinker of the three!

Timothy C. Tyler 11-05-2003 11:09 AM

Kim it started well and finished well. It has some serious unity. I like the background.

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