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Vianna Szabo 10-29-2003 01:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is a pastel commission of a little boy named Nicholas. The colors scanned a bit strange. His nose is not that red, his ear is not so purple and his shirt and eyes are more gray blue than shown. I have been trying to learn Photoshop to make corrections, but that is a whole line of study unto itself. I painted his sister three years ago and the mother is expecting again (a.k.a. future portrait). I was happy with the results and thought it would be fun to post.


Leslie Ficcaglia 10-29-2003 02:30 PM

Vianna, try lowering the saturation in PhotoShop. But personally I have a hard time adjusting for the web; often the end result once up on my monitor on the web looks very different from the product I uploaded. Aside from that, a very appealing painting. He's a very cute little guy and I really like your feathery strokes.

I have a client who's just waiting for the next grandchild to turn two; that will make the third for her. Don't you just love those commissions?

Vianna Szabo 10-29-2003 03:47 PM

Love those pregnant clients!
Thanks, Leslie, for the information about Photoshop. I will try that.

Do you think we should offer our clients with small children a romantic night out with their significant others as a way of insuring our employment?


Leslie Ficcaglia 10-29-2003 04:03 PM

Not a bad idea. And it would definitely be tax-deductible as a business expense!

Do you have his older sister posted anywhere?

Vianna Szabo 10-29-2003 10:48 PM

I think we are on to something
Hey, Leslie, I think we might have a good idea here. We could keep ourselves in business for years to come. I do not have a record of the portrait I did of the little boy's sister. That one was the first painting I did after major painting arm trauma. I learned to never play tag and ice skate at the same time because it has a negative effect on your skills as an artist after you fall. I did not photograph any of my work at that time.

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