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Enzie Shahmiri 06-23-2003 10:27 PM

Chris Saper's Pastel Workshop
Chris Saper held a two day Pastel workshop at the Laguna Hills Community Center for the Southern California-American Society of Portrait Artists on June 21st and 22nd, 2003.

What a wonderful informative workshop it turned out to be. My daughter posed for us and with Chris' guidance, all 10 participants applied relative-size measuring, learned how to look for vibrant colors in skin tones and how to differentiate color temperatures.

She showed us the effects of day light vs. artificial lighting on skin, and talked about how to properly photograph your artwork.

I learned so much during these two days that I can't wait to apply the new tips and finish the portrait of my daughter.

Needless to say, as many of you already know, Chris is a wonderful, kind hearted individual that has an old soul. The minute you meet her it seems she has been a long lost friends.

Thank you Chris, for everything you have done for SoCal-ASOPA and especially for being such a wonderful individual and teacher.

Chris Saper 06-24-2003 08:21 PM

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Dear Enzie,

Thanks for the kind note! I had a wonderful time, and appreciated the professionally organized program. You have really pulled together a solid group of strong painters, and it is obvious how much interest there really is in a portraiture venue in southern California.

And what a fantastic facility! In these two photos of the Community Center, you can see the high (maybe 18-20'?) ceilings, and the soft directional natural lighting that is available. In the view from behind our model, you can also see the window shades, which can be handled independently for the many-windowed wall. You can also see Enzie and Ruth measuring. And looking serious about it, too.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-04-2003 05:44 PM

Here are some photos of Chris's workshop.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-04-2003 05:47 PM

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Here is Chris giving some painterly advise to Pat Satterthwaite.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-04-2003 05:49 PM

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Couple of hours into the 2nd day of painting...

Enzie Shahmiri 07-04-2003 05:54 PM

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Unfortunately, we did not have any out-of-state visitors, nor members of this Forum attend the workshop. The class size was kept to a maximum of 10 people, since it was very important for Chris to allow plenty of one-on-one instruction.

We were all grateful that we did not have to operate in a cramped environment and had the luxury to really ask Chris for advice and watch her make corrections on our work. A true luxury, one that has made this workshop especially wonderful for those who attended.

Enzie Shahmiri 07-04-2003 05:55 PM

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