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Virginia Branch 04-09-2003 05:12 PM

Sarah on the Beach
1 Attachment(s)
This is an 8 x 10 in pastel of my daughter on the beach last summer. It was completed several months ago and is already in a frame. The frame made all the difference on this one.

Any comments/critique welcome.

Virginia Branch 04-09-2003 05:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It is a small painting and hard to see details so here is a close-up.

Steven Sweeney 04-11-2003 02:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)

This is a bit odd, but the first time I looked at this post, the first image didn

Virginia Branch 04-11-2003 09:30 AM

I always enjoy reading your comments! It does make a difference once you've cropped it. I was concerned about her face being diminished by the background.

This was done from a photo taken last year and she has grown so much since then. She is 8 now and tall for her age. She is at a cute age but I am not looking forward to the teenage years. Maybe it won't be so bad?!?

We will go to the beach again this summer, so I'll see what paintings I can get from that trip.

Thanks again for taking your time to comment. Are you working on anything these days?

Steven Sweeney 04-11-2003 09:47 AM


Are you working on anything these days?
Self-preservation, mostly, as I'm over here in SARS territory.

Actually, though I haven't been able to pursue it vigorously, owing to a pending overseas move, I'm working on a portrait of "my" Sarah. I'm "losing" most of my art materials next week to the movers, and won't rejoin them until perhaps late July, so I'm beginning to feel a little anxiety about that.

Since I'm back, I might mention that I did a small painting very much like yours, with Sarah in almost the exact environment -- even the same slant of beach -- as you chose. She was turned away, though, and looking down at something -- seashells, perhaps. I'd done the painting as an experiment in rapid execution. Sarah saw it shortly afterwards, not having known I was doing it, and said, "Hey! That's ME!" That was my affirmation that I'd gotten the job done. And to tell you the truth, I don't know where that painting is right now. In a warehouse somewhere, awaiting the depletion of my wanderlust.

Virginia Branch 04-11-2003 10:36 AM

I thought about you in SARS territory. They think they might have a new case in Florida now.

Are you moving back to the States? Hopefully, your 'Sarah on the Beach' painting will show up! How old is your daughter now?

Linda Brandon 04-11-2003 10:47 AM

Nice to see your work again
Hi there, Virginia,

This is a fresh, charming painting with a lot of lively color notes, especially in the shadows. But how on earth do you manage to work so small?

I can never manage to paint a beach scene without anguishing over where the horizon line should run. I like how you've handled it.

Is it safe to comment that you seem looser in your own work than in your commissioned pieces?

Best wishes,


Virginia Branch 04-11-2003 01:41 PM

Thanks, Linda. Good to hear from you! You are probably right...I am very realistic with my commissioned pieces and loosen-up with my own work.

How is your painting going? Are you staying busy with commissions?

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