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Jennifer Geary 11-12-2001 12:11 PM

Another brave soul willing to undergo criticism!
1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I am incredibly humbled when I come to this site and see these portraits! I thought I was an okay artist until I saw these! There are incredible masters here of which I would LOVE to pick at their brains for tips and technique ideas. A scream for help is on the way! I have been painting and drawing for 10 years, mostly commissions...and now I wish to hone my talents. Bash away fellow artists! I can take it! :-)

The portrait below is done in oils, and is a detail. Thanks to all those who inspired me to sign up here and meet new friends!

Karin Wells 11-12-2001 12:14 PM

For starters, I'd love to see the whole painting as a detail does not show design and composition.

However, what struck me is that your shadows are much too dark and opaque and your light is much too light. I assume that you painted with photographic references....and this is the problem with photography.

When using photographs to paint from you must paint what you know....and not what you see. Photos portray shadows as very dark and opaque...which in reality they are definitely not.

Shadows are warm. Only deep shadows are hot. The halftone (where light turns into shadow) is cool. Light is warm, and highlights are cool. Unfortunately photos seldom show how warm and cool colors layer to create "reality".

I always use photographic reference material in my paintings, but I repeat...."I paint what I know and not what I see...."

Jennifer Geary 11-12-2001 12:16 PM

Those photos get me every time! :-)
Thanks for checking out my painting! I was working with a photograph, indeed! Unfortunately, this photo was taken years and years ago, so the subject matter couldn't pose for it while in the making. ;) I really like painting from old photos, and you are right, my darks are too dark and vice versa with the lights. After staring at it for days and days, I become desensitized by it and lose my focus. I do need to use my "what I know" part of the brain when working on these paintings...true. Ah, there is much to learn, and hopefully with comments such as yours, I will grow as an artist and flourish! I will work on the problem areas a bit more...Thank you again for taking time to look! :D

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