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Abdi R Malik 11-11-2001 02:06 PM

Need critiques
1 Attachment(s)

I will appreciate to any critiques of this painting of my son Ali 5 years.

Kind Regards,
Abdi Malik

Karin Wells 11-13-2001 01:27 AM

I realize that this is supposed to be a critique, but I can't find anything wrong with this painting. I also liked the other painting that you posted.

Your work is charming and has a lot of heart and soul! You have a wonderful sense of composition and design. Your colors are very pleasing too. You have a unique style all your own and I wouldn't change any part of it.

Keep up the good work!

Cynthia Daniel 11-13-2001 01:30 AM

I agree with Karin. A beautiful and sensitive portrait! By the way, Abdi has applied and been accepted on Stroke of Genius.

Karin Wells 11-13-2001 01:42 AM

Congratulations Abdi!
I just read Cynthia's post and want to offer my Congratulations on being accepted into "The Stroke of Genius." I'm glad to have you join us here. My website here has been my best marketing tool and I trust that it will be for you too.

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