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Diana Tresslar 11-27-2002 12:49 AM

This is my most recent pastel, 25" x 19" soft pastel. Thanks for letting me share.


Diana Tresslar 11-27-2002 12:54 AM

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Josef Sy 11-27-2002 09:17 AM


Excellent job! I really like the color and tonal work you did on the face.

Dianna Fish 12-29-2002 09:05 PM


Thank you for repying to my post. I love the clothing and face of the little girl. I'm not too big on busy backgrounds (as you can tell from my pastel). I don't know a great solution for that. It's seems it's either too busy or too plain.

Great portrait!


Diana Tresslar 12-29-2002 09:27 PM

Hi, Dianna.

I still have trouble deciding what to do with a background. With a commission, it's generally easy because the client has something in mind, although I do get some that want me to do what I want with the background. I only use colors when doing a bust. I took a workshop with Daniel Greene, which helped a lot with insight toward backgrounds.

Have a good one!!

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