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Alicia Kornick 11-07-2002 12:35 AM

Not final - in progress
1 Attachment(s)
How am I doing so far? The color in this photo is a little saturated. The background is blue/black and lighter on the left of the image, which doesn't show up in the photo. I have done some refinements on the ear and the right arm and hand. I will post another photo when finished.

Portrait is oil on linen, 24" x 36".

Thanks for looking.

Cynthia Daniel 11-07-2002 12:46 AM


Do you have a facial closeup to post?

Alicia Kornick 11-07-2002 01:21 AM


Not yet. I will take more photos tomorrow with better light.

Sharon Knettell 11-09-2002 11:05 AM

Alicia, this is a wonderful start. I like the way you have given a lot if space around the figure, especially at the top. It is a very nice composition with a believable transition from light to dark.

I see a few (to me) problem areas. One might have to do with the scan.

A. The color (the scan?). There is a very strong yellow element, the curtain. It should be somehow balanced by its complement, purple. There should be soft purple undertones in the nightgown shadows and the background. It also helps if you bring a bright color accent of one of the colors into the painting. I am not sure where you would show it here; just remember it for the future.

It might help to place the garment on a form in similar or the same lighting with that drape. That helps to give you subtle color information not available on a photo. This has helped me adjust skin tones as well when the model is not there.

B. There is a very strong crescent shaped swathe on the cheek. It seems to separate itself from the form, not define it. Squint at your reference to check its accuracy. See if you can soften it up a bit.

C. The edges, check them. Leave some sharp and soften others, especially where the arm and the nightie go into darkness.

D. The drawing of the eyes. The one on our left seem off and the one on our right needs to have its drawing checked too. It is hard to tell without reference. I always have trouble with the far eye. It is the most difficult to draw.

All in all, a stellar start. Good Luck.

Mike McCarty 11-09-2002 11:48 AM


Look at the right side of the painting from top to bottom. On the bottom the curtain seems to lap over the wood frame of the door. As your eye travels up your shadowing changes and it appears that the door begins to lap over the curtain.

Peggy Baumgaertner 11-09-2002 11:59 AM


There is a very strong crescent shaped swathe on the cheek. It seems to seperate itself from the form, not define it. Squint at your reference to check it's accuracy. See if you can soften it up a bit.

On the cheek on the shadow side of the face, the value has gotten too light in that "crescent shaped" area. There is reflected light, but the light in that shadow must remain a middle value, albeit a lighter middle value than the rest of the shadow. You have crossed over and made it a light value, the same value as the front of the face. This confuses the eye, and the head does not round out as it should.

Very nice start!


Alicia Kornick 11-10-2002 11:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the comments, Sharon, Mike and Peggy. Sharon, the scan had the color of the drapes a little too orange and there is some purple shadowing in the dress. It is hard to see in the scan.

I will also darken the cresent shape on the shadow side of the face.

The eyes have driven me crazy. I have checked them again and again. I even printed a transparency and placed it over them and they look just like the print out. I will check again.

I will post new pictures when finished. Also, I will post a reference of the face.


Michele Rushworth 11-11-2002 12:16 AM

In the reference photo the little girl's head is pointing downward somewhat but in the painting the axis of the head is absolutely vertical. That's what's throwing the rest of your drawing off, including the eyes.

Michele Rushworth 11-11-2002 12:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The edges of the girl's right cheek and forehead should almost be vertical. Once I rotated the painted image to match the reference, everything else fell into place and it seemed easier to me to see where the drawing of the eyes needed to be changed. Does that help?

Alicia Kornick 11-11-2002 01:32 AM

That's it, Michelle! In the original photo, she was leaning forward a little bit and the Mom asked me if I could straighten it up. Maybe I can ask them to hang it crooked. Just kidding.

She is gazing downward a little. I did some more work on her tonight. The only way I can see to correct this is to repaint the whole portrait. I did some more work on it tonight and I think it looks better. I will post when I take the photo.


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