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Jennifer Geary 09-11-2002 03:48 PM

My sister, Nubby
1 Attachment(s)
Okay, my sister is gonna be upset with me about posting this picture of her, but I think it is awefully cute! It is EXACTLY how I remember her being when we were kids. Pigtails all crooked, and the innocent look on her face. HA! Innocent, my foot! I drew this for my dad, who loved this picture.

Mike McCarty 09-11-2002 10:44 PM

Nice drawing there, Redstreake.

Susan Ballinger 09-21-2002 12:50 AM

I can really see her personality in this! Does she know you posted it here? You might look out for revenge. ;) Very nice!


Jennifer Geary 09-22-2002 07:29 PM

Thanks Mike and Susan! Nope, she doesn't know I posted it. But still, I think she will appreciate the ARTISTIC side of this sketch! She hates being called Nubby now, since she is 27! LOL! Thanks for looking!

Lon Haverly 09-23-2002 01:53 AM

I really like it, Jennifer! Proof positive that casual is cool for drawings. I prefer to draw the casual person rather than a carefully posed and formal model.

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