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Debra Norton 05-18-2007 11:23 AM

Finished school
Hi, I just thought I'd let you know I've finished my four years at The Atelier in Minneapolis and will be moving back home to Washington state next week. It's been a great four years and I'm going home feeling like I've been well equipped. Now I just have to put to use what I've learned!

I know I haven't participated in the forum much these past four years, because school took so much time, but I have managed to keep up on reading it, at least. I will miss being part of an art community and I know SOG will help fill that void. I also hope to be able to share some of the things I've learned.

We will spend the first 6-9 months home building a house (which includes a studio) so I won't be painting full time until we're into the house, but I'll have a little studio in our temporary on-site living quarters, which is actually my husband's shop, or will be when we move out of it and into the house.

We will be off line for about a week while we make the long drive home but should be back on line by early June.

Claudemir Bonfim 05-18-2007 12:36 PM

Congratulations! And good luck with your new goals.

Alexandra Tyng 05-18-2007 12:40 PM

Debra, congratulations! Never lose sight of your goals.

Steven Sweeney 05-18-2007 01:15 PM

Wow . . . those were "quick" years. I'm not on the right computer at the moment for a pearl dive, but it would be interesting to resurrect some of the emails we exchanged -- just to actually confirm the dates -- back when you were interviewing proprietors of the respective Minneapolis ateliers.

I should have kept track of the spring student exhibition schedule -- did I already miss it? I'm glad we got together at least once at the Atelier -- it would have seemed odd to have lived only a few miles apart for so long and yet never to have actually met.

Good luck over on the left coast. Keep in practice with what you've learned, but sneak in something new from time to time for interest's sake. And fill up some sketch pads, just to keep your eye sharp.

Say hello to home-state Montana for me on your way through. There's a lot of fine plein air opportunity in the Big Sky, if you're inclined to tarry.

Steven Sweeney 05-18-2007 01:37 PM

Answer to my own question:

The Atelier's 2007
Full Time Student Show
May 18-20
Friday, 2 - 9pm
Saturday, 12 - 8pm
Sunday, 12 - 5pm

You're probably over there right now. And I've just added this to my weekend plans.

Steven Sweeney 05-18-2007 01:48 PM

Okay, final note . . .

I was going to write above that the knowledge and skills gained would put you in very good stead to teach . . .

And now I see your name on the list of the Atelier's instructors. I'd say you've done remarkably well for yourself. Congratulations.

Debra Norton 05-19-2007 09:23 AM

Steven, yes the years have gone by quickly! I feel like we just got here and now we're heading home in a few days.

About Montana, I'd love to stop and paint there but the call of the hammer has a tight hold on my husband. My mom grew up in Montana and I still have relatives there (in Great Falls, and Geraldine, a little two block town) so I may actually end up back there again with my paints and brushes.

Alexandra and Claudemir, thank you.

And Steven, I'll keep an eye out for you at the show.

Enzie Shahmiri 05-19-2007 10:43 AM

Hi Debra,

Congratulations! I can't believe it has been four years either. Boy does time fly! It is so nice to hear that you have accomplished so much in this time.

How exciting that you get to built a new studio as well. There are some great threads on SOG about studio spaces for additional ideas.

Michele Rushworth 05-19-2007 05:18 PM

Congratulations, Debra! What part of Washington State will you be living in? (I'm in Sammamish, a suburb of Seattle.)

Linda Brandon 05-19-2007 07:36 PM

Congratulations, Debra! This is really exciting news and I wish you every success! Thanks, Steven, for the link - I really enjoyed reading about the atelier and its programs.

Steven Sweeney 05-19-2007 08:04 PM

A proper farewell in place, the show was and is great, and Dale [for others, the co-director and an instructor at The Atelier] told me in a long conversation later that you were going to be very greatly missed.

I'm sure it will be with mixed feelings that Minnesota bids you adieu on such a beautiful string of spring days. You are the rare west Washingtonian who admits to a bit of rain at that longitude and latitude. I ran into that in Maine, whilst attempting a plein air coup, but instead I have in my office the artwork of locals who have long mastered the light-impaired landscape. They showed me it can be done.

If you can't stop for long in Montana, at least pause roadside just west of the North Dakota border and go out into the field, pull some sage leaves from the brush, rub them into your hands and hold your palms to your face and breathe. That's the same feeling that wanting to paint gives you. Hang onto it.

Chris Saper 05-21-2007 10:38 AM


Congratulations! I am filled with admiration and excitement for you. Travel safely.

Garth Herrick 05-21-2007 10:46 AM


Congratulations! We would love to get a glimpse of your new studio after it gets underway. I wish you the best.


Debra Norton 05-21-2007 05:11 PM

Thank you Garth, Chris, Linda, Michele and Enzie. We spent today loading the moving truck and will head for Washington tomorrow morning (Tuesday) so I'll be off-line for about a week. We'll have three vehicles heading west with only one driver each so we're going to take it kind of slow, four days on the road, instead of the usual two we've done in the past.

I'll enjoy keeping you posted on the progress of the studio. I had the opportunity to visit the studios of several artists and pick their brains for ideas so I'm hoping to come up with a good workable studio.

Michele, I'll be in Montesano, which is 40 miles west of Olympia. I have a call to you on my mental "to do" list. So expect to hear from me as soon as things calm down a little bit.

Steven, it was good to see you again! I'm glad we got the chance to talk before I left town. I'll look for the sage.

Debra Norton 06-20-2007 10:49 PM

Hi Ya'll,
We're back! My temporary studio is up and running! I have a still life going, and I'm composing a landscape painting. My next project is to find someone to model for a portrait. I have numerous friends and relatives I can call on so I just have to get out there and make the effort. I plan to set up a photo session with my 3 year old grandson, and see if I can get my teenage niece to sit for me.

Mischa Milosevic 06-21-2007 04:27 AM

Debra, a big congrats on finishing! This is grate news. Line up the relatives for sure and just go to town. If they start complaining charge them to sit for you. After you do a few portraits they will fight to sit for you. Such fun.

Debra Norton 06-21-2007 10:40 PM

Thanks Misha, that's my plan!

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