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Cynthia Daniel 02-28-2007 08:11 PM

PSOA 2007 SOG Dinner
Many of you know that I have done a Stroke of Genius dinner most of the last few years. It's been a lot of fun in the past and is open to both Forum members and those on the main site. Thank goodness I didn't do Dallas last year since I was sick as a dog throughout the conference. As usual, it would be on Friday night.

This always comes along much too soon for me. I'd be happy with a conference every two years. I have not fully decided yet, but I'd like to start a tally of who would be interested in attending. Payment is sent to me ahead of time and is between $50-60.

After you tally the poll above, please post to let me know who you are.

George Holmes 03-01-2007 12:43 PM

I regretted not going to the dinner last year. Put me down Cynthia and thanks.

George Holmes

Alexandra Tyng 03-01-2007 11:13 PM

Hi Cynthia--I've never been to an SOG dinner, since last year would have been my first year. So, yes, I would definitely like to go if you have it.

David Draime 03-02-2007 02:20 AM

Alex, and George, I did the dinner two years ago and it's great. A wonderful chance to mingle with SOG artists and other "Forumites."

Thank you Cynthia for considering doing it again this year. I'm in.


Chris Saper 03-03-2007 08:16 PM

Count me in, too. David D always has such lovely manners:)

Richard Bingham 03-05-2007 03:45 PM

Oops! I voted without posting. Thank you for this gracious boon, and the opportunity to meet the "Forum Mites"!

Two questions: will this be open to include our "insignificant others" ? And where do we send the $$ (I presume you'll finalize the $50-60 estimate shortly?)

Marina Dieul 04-12-2007 12:46 PM

If it's not too late, I would love to join !

Alexandra Tyng 04-12-2007 12:57 PM

Cynthia, do you think you will go ahead with the dinner this year?

Cynthia Daniel 04-17-2007 12:14 AM

Alex, I think I will, but much smaller than 2 years ago. I didn't do Dallas because I didn't like their deal for a catered event. I think a smaller event in the restaurant will be my choice for this year.

Garth Herrick 04-17-2007 01:18 AM

Yes! Count me in.

A dinner of any size and attendance level, organized by you, Cynthia, is a Must! (Sorry I missed this thread 'til now. This is exactly what I meant and wished for as a "bite" together in the other thread about who among us are attending the Conference.)

Thanks Cynthia, for considering this!


Cynthia Daniel 04-20-2007 06:04 PM

I emailed everyone today that responded in the affirmative on this list, but I have not heard back from anyone yet. I'm sorry to be running so late, but some personal things set me back, but now time is of the essence.

The time has changed. It's still Thursday May 3, but at 8pm-10:30pm. Previously it was starting at 6pm.

The following prices includes tax and gratuity.
Dinner $67. (does not include drinks)
Soda $4.
Coffee or tea 6. (free refills)

If you want wine, I can email you a wine list where you can choose by the glass or bottle. You'll need to include 5% sales tax plus 22% gratuity for any wine you choose.

Please email me any further communications regarding your intent instead of posting here.

My address to mail a check is 1482 Buckeye Lane, Palm Harbor, FL 34683

The dinner will be held at the Market Street Grille new private dining room. They did not have this room in previous years.

THE MENU (tentative)

Sweet corn grits and scallion coulis

Vine ripe tomato, cucumber, sweet onion, and lemon mustard vinaigrette

8 ounce cut with Foie Gras Mousse, asparagus, and garlic whipped potatoes, pinot noir reduction
Risotto cake, artichoke heart, spinach, and olive cream sauce

N.Y. style, Oreo cookie crust
Baileys Cream Sauce

David Kassan 04-22-2007 12:04 AM

Count me in, I'll be able to stay the whole time this year unlike 04, May I suggest we do it at White Castle, because of Linda B's new rules? :)

Tom Edgerton 04-22-2007 08:49 AM

I'll see you all there.

George Holmes 04-22-2007 06:25 PM

Count me in, please.

George Holmes
Jackson MS

Bobbi Baldwin 04-22-2007 11:20 PM

I would love to join you!
Hi Cynthia,
This is actually the first I have heard of this. So, I would love to see you again, and meet up with the artists attending. I will mail my check. I will also try to get my paperwork and photos together for the application to be on your site again.

Looking forward to being involved again.

Bobbi Baldwin

Thomasin Dewhurst 04-23-2007 12:15 AM

Unfortunately I won't be able to make it this year, which I am very sorry about. Thank-you for the offer, though.

Tom Cranmer 04-23-2007 11:51 AM

Dinner at PSA
Please include me. I'll send the check today.

I'd like to have a glass of white wine and a glass of red wine. Please send me the price list.

Thanks, Tom Cranmer

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