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Jim Riley 04-16-2005 10:28 PM

The Fry Youngsters
1 Attachment(s)
This painting of the son and daughters of a local family is an oil painting 60" X 48". It generated commissions from several of the many visitors to the college president's home.

Lots of photos were taken to get three faces/expressions that worked together.

Kimberly Dow 04-16-2005 11:18 PM

That is just lovely Jim!
I bet it isn't 6" though... ;)

Garth Herrick 04-16-2005 11:45 PM


I love this. It has a powerful presence, and it is self evident that you really captured each individual's uniqueness. The composition is wonderful too, as is the ambiance. Do you mean 60 x 48?

Was any thought that went into this influenced by Sargent's landmark painting of the Boit Daughters? I mean this as a compliment.

Can I drive out and see this some time? How far are you from Reading in driving time? I need to get out there soon. Thanks so much for sharing this.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Oh, and please show us some details and closeups!


Terri Ficenec 04-17-2005 12:09 AM

It reminded me of the Boit daughters too. It has a lot of atmosphere --very nice! Please do post closeups.

Jim Riley 04-17-2005 07:39 AM

Thanks for kind comments and noting the obvious error on size. I checked and rechecked the text and never saw my mistake and have changed it to read 60"X48".

I will post a few closeups later today when I return home.

Enzie Shahmiri 04-17-2005 10:31 AM

Jim, it turned out nicely.

I find your choice of background rather interesting. Most portraits I have seen keep the background rather simple, but you have juxtaposed a busy background with a formal kids pose, thereby adding an element of movement in an otherwise quiet environment.

Jim Riley 04-17-2005 08:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are closeups of the frys.

Garth, I am 35 miles or so from Reading and though I have driven the route many times I never timed the drive. My guess would be 40 minutes.

The revised vase came from the Boit painting when existing funiture didn't suffice.

Claudemir Bonfim 04-17-2005 10:32 PM

A very beautiful work,

thanks for posting it.

Linda Brandon 04-18-2005 10:21 AM

Jim, this is really beautiful! Can you post some closeups of the background, too?

Richard Monro 04-18-2005 12:02 PM

Nicely done. I loved how you worked some of your edges and the boldness of your brush strokes.

Jim Riley 04-18-2005 12:10 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Here are several examples of the background as well a shirt detail. Unfortunately the many reflections caused by the brush and pallette knife applications required a lot of digital corrections and value balance suffered a bit.

Mary Sparrow 04-18-2005 12:33 PM

Just beautiful. Thank you for the closeups. I am getting ready to do a threesome, so this was a timely portrait for me.

I'm curious though, did you luck out and get a good reference of all three, or did you have to pull from different photos?

Patricia Joyce 04-18-2005 01:45 PM

Wow! What a treat to study this painting. No wonder you got further commissions. Just beautiful, Jim. Thank you for taking the time to post all the close-ups,too.

Chris Saper 04-18-2005 01:50 PM


It is always a pleasure to see your rich, painterly work. The note of green in the pillow is ethereal..

Carol Norton 04-18-2005 04:55 PM

Jim, when I first saw your beauriful painting this morning, I was at a loss for words and could only admire it. It is so beautifully done that I had to at least express my admiration upon my return to this site. Thanks so much for sharing it along with the details. It defines the word "awesome".

Carol Norton
PS I was amazed at how inexpensive your work is after visiting your website. Your mastery is way beyond your current prices.

Elizabeth Schott 04-18-2005 09:05 PM

Jim this is wonderful! I too love your painterly style, you can say so much with a little - that is such a talent!

Congratulations, and these kids look like they were wonderful to paint!


Julie Deane 04-18-2005 11:02 PM

Love it...
Jim, I'm in awe. Beautiful work!

I don't know which face I like better, the young man with the perfectly blended paintstrokes or that 3 or four year old with the perfectly serious expression that they do at that age.

Jean Kelly 04-18-2005 11:49 PM

Jim, I can only echo everyone else's comments. Awesome!

And thanks for the close-ups, I always love to study them.


Tom Edgerton 04-19-2005 08:14 AM


We can always count on you for really solid work that we can learn from. Thanks for posting.

See you in Reston, I hope.--TE

Jim Riley 04-24-2005 12:14 PM

Mary ,
Excuse the slow response to your question about reference photos of the children. It took many photos to arrive at the three used in the final painting. It was particularly difficult to get the rhe youngest to cooperate and yet the the best photo was the one of her used for this painting. I think her face alone would be a great painting.

I took more than a hundred pictures, changes to the background, and I stole the vase from Sargent's painting of the Boit girls.

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