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Jane Bradley 12-08-2004 06:10 PM

Paying models
How much should one pay models per hour for photo shoots? The models will probably be college students - not professional models - and probably for two hours at a time.

Michele Rushworth 12-08-2004 08:53 PM

I've heard other artists say they pay anywhere from $7 to $12 per hour, depending on the model's age. Artist's models don't make what fashion models do, that's for sure!

John Crowther 12-08-2004 10:08 PM

I recently read an article in which the artist said she pays $14 an hour if it's just life drawing, $20 an hour for a photo shoot, since the latter provides her with so much more reference material.

John C.

Sharon Knettell 12-09-2004 02:02 PM

Like anything it varies with the relative youth and appeal of the subject. I paid $12 per hour for a lovely teenager last summer but I was able to guarantee her a decent time block of about 20 hours per week

I am now paying $14 per hour as that is the rate RISD pays its figurative models and to generate some enthusiasm for a really boring job

It also varies by local. I know Marvin has someone who wants a figurative painting from him and the model fees in the NY area are much higher..

Linda Brandon 12-09-2004 03:21 PM

Hi Jane,

I pay my models $25 for a two hour time period whether I take photos or not.

I am also thinking about giving them a sketch or two after I've worked with them for a while. They always seem to want one.

Jimmie Arroyo 12-09-2004 03:53 PM

I'm a real cheap-o. For my drawings, from which I've only used photos, I don't pay anything. I give them an 8x10" print of the drawing.

But before I seem too cheap, they are of course told ahead of time that I don't pay, and they have no problem with it. And it's been over twenty people within a year in a half. They usually act like I'm doing them a favor. Many say that it's an honor, I think they are so flattered that they would be doing something unethical by accepting money. I've also never taken more than a half hour taking pics, so they may not mind much either.

If I start doing live sittings, I would'nt expect them to sit for nothing. I think between $10-15 is fair for someone who's never done it before, and is posing just for the hey of it. There's no way I'm paying someone $25 an hour for an uninteresting experienced model, which seems like the going rate in my area. Experienced and interesting is different.

Mike McCarty 12-09-2004 04:14 PM


Experienced and interesting is different
I do the same thing Jimmie, I've never paid a model.

Julie Deane 12-09-2004 04:16 PM

I'm a cheapo too
Hi Jimmie -

I paid two teenagers $10 an hour last summer. They were inexperienced models of course. They were okay with that price range.
And they got a fair number of hours' pay.

Which leads me to the thought that if you are doing a long painting, don't expect their expression to stay the same as it will be the first hour (take photos). These kids got SO bored with it all!

Cynthia Daniel 12-09-2004 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Mike McCarty
I do the same thing Jimmie, I've never paid a model.

The mystery continues as to how Mike gets his beautiful, young models.

Mike McCarty 12-09-2004 04:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)

I've never paid a model.
I forgot about my model for food program.


The mystery continues
There should be a certain amount of mystery in ones life.

Jimmie Arroyo 12-09-2004 05:06 PM


Which leads me to the thought that if you are doing a long painting, don't expect their expression to stay the same as it will be the first hour (take photos). These kids got SO bored with it all!
I wouldn't expect to have them sit the entire time anyway. I'd most likely take reference photos, get the likeness down, some basic work done, then have them sit to finish it. Or something like that. It takes me too long to get a likeness these days, so I wouldn't want them sitting during that time.


I forgot about my model for food program.
Feeding them huh, hmmmm. I'd like to do heavier models.

Michele Rushworth 12-09-2004 05:08 PM

Maybe we'll be seeing lovely young ladies standing along the roadsides in Florida with signs that say "Will Model for Spaghetti."

I have paid young kids (age 7 to 10) the $7 rate I mentioned above, and I give their mothers a few 8x10 prints from the photo shoot as a thank you also. I've used these photos as stand-ins for parts of portraits I was painting (hair, hands etc) where I needed better reference than what I got in the client's photo shoot. I may also paint from some of the "model" photos for samples if I need to at some point.

Jane Bradley 12-10-2004 12:11 AM

Well, I guess since neither my husband nor I can cook we're stuck with paying the models in cash.

Thanks for all of the input - I have a few people who just want to pose for fun, but for those who are doing it as a job - sounds like what I was figuring - about 15 to 20 an hour is pretty fair.

Sharon Knettell 12-10-2004 08:38 AM

Never paying for models.
I have found that photographers generally have better luck than artists. I think it appeals to their vanity more. Try this line and see if you get a free model, "can you sit from 10: 30 AM to 2:30 PM , 5 days a week for FREE for the next 3 months", and see what the answer is. I for one would like to know .

Sharon Knettell 12-21-2004 06:51 PM

Sharon's search for a model
Hi folks,

This search has really gotten interesting. My lovely model went off to college leaving me with the problem of replacing her.

Not a problem. I called the local art school and private art clubs and instructors to get an idea of the current going rate, $13 -$15 an hour was the consensus.

I dutifully printed up a zillion posters with $14 per hour as this was to be a guarantee of a lot of hours per week, no nudity, nice lady, former RISD instructor.

I plastered these babies all over the place, ballet schools, colleges, art schools. NOTHING!

I called every ballet, tap, and twirling school within a reasonable radius. NOTHING!.

I DID get a few that were too short or had unappealing faces and a couple of midget 13 year olds whose mothers swore that their little beauty could sit for four hours.

Desperation led me to the model agencies. Up went my offer to $18 per hour, $3.00 of which would go to the agency.

The last name on the model agency Yellow Pages list was Studio 253. I called and yes they had models but I had to wait to call "Joe" after 4:00.

At four I dutifully called "Joe." Joe had a voice out of the Godfather. He said "yeah, I got girls, 20 of 'em." Just send your requirements to me @ club balloons. There are a lot of other services available at Club Balloons as well, as noted in a recent Providence Journal article.

Oh well, if I do use "Joe's" services, I might get a Brown student. It would not be the first time one of them supplemented their scholarships with nighttime income from 'entertainment'..

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Michele Rushworth 12-21-2004 07:45 PM

I have read that the old masters often used "ladies of the night" for their female models, and convicted prisoners as their male models.

Jimmie Arroyo 12-21-2004 08:08 PM

Sharon, stinks that it would take that much trouble to find models, especially that you're paying them! Don't these kids need money?!? Are people more shy around your area?

I'm broke and have no time, but I think I'd be able to get people to sit for me in my area. Maybe Joisey girls are more vain. I'm not pretty, but I'd sit for you. :cool:

Sharon Knettell 12-21-2004 08:52 PM


I do have some serious interest from some of the galleries I have recently approached. They seem to prefer my more cutting edge pastels, like the "Green Dakini". I think a painting of you in a Moulin Rouge corset, tutu and tights should thrill them. Send pictures and measurements.


One of my favorite paintings is "Olympia" by Manet and apparently she had other income outside of the fine arts. Most of the old masters were men. It's not the girls I am afraid of it's the boyfriends. Got to find an NRA sticker to paste on my door.

Michele Rushworth 12-21-2004 09:52 PM


I think a painting of you in a Moulin Rouge corset, tutu and tights should thrill them.
This I gotta see. Jimmie, Sharon, let us know if this painting concept ever sees the light of day!

Kimberly Dow 12-21-2004 10:31 PM


Bummer. Hey - maybe you can reform one of these ladies of the night. Saint Sharon. :santa:

I love using my teen models. Of course, I use photos mostly so I dont need to have them the hours you do. Consider them during the summer....they can be so ridiculously flawless.

Julie Deane 12-21-2004 10:37 PM

It's all about connections.....
Hi Sharon -

What an image you sent our way!

I know I have had success finding models from the teens in my church and their friends. Once there is a relationship and they know you're harmless, it really helps. Plus, another thought besides church teens - if you know anyone who's a friend to homeschooling families, you might be able to make some contacts that way. They're usually really nice kids who are free during the day when their public school counterparts are not available.

It's all about the family knowing you and trusting you. Good luck!

Chris Saper 12-28-2004 09:11 PM

Well, I'm a little late responding here...the Scottsdale Artist's School pays its models, I think, $15/hr 3 hr minimum. Probably $1-2 more for nudes. Let me also mention that all the models are fantastic. They are professional, and absolutely understand how to do what I certainly could not do.

I have paid, usually, nothing - a set of the photographs, an 8x10 print of the painting, a copy of my book.

When I conduct a workshop, I pay $100 per day, with breakfast and lunch, and charming interactions with interesting artists:) plus a CD of all the photos we take. So it represents a full day of work and a little extra over the school. I have heard that some of the school's more 'ethnic' models charge up to $50 per photo or some such thing. That's way beyond my interest.

Last year I was a last minute exhibitor at a Western Art Show and had to produce 8 original 'western' oils in about 3 -4 weeks time, way too much stress and way too little time to do this leisurely. I went to the local movie extra casting company and asked to see the Native American databases, the Hispanic databases, and the Italian and Jewish databases. I called late Thursday, went in Friday, picked my model out in about 6 minutes, and arranged a photo shoot for the next Monday. My model (professional) was more perfectly gorgeous and gracious than should even be allowed, and I was able to complete three paintings of her for the show. I have about 4-5 more portraits waiting in the batch I took, and hope to actually start one next week. The agency charged $50 per hour , 3 hour minimum. And I knew I could count on her showing up. So, getting 8-9 portraits out of the session was an excellent value. It just doesn't work economically for me to hire for the workshop, although I would love to have her again, for me.

When I asked some western artist friends how they get models, they told me, "Well you have to sign up for a 2- week excrusion in ND, it costs $2000, but it's already over for the year..." or "Drive up to Wickenburg, ( a 1hr+backroad venture,) and ask around for a guy named ____" One of my favorite students from Tucson, says, "Hey, come paint ____. Everyone does." So if you wonder why all of the Indian Chiefs in SW ART Magazine look the same, it's because they ARE the same.

So that's a lot of rambling. I have enjoyed just introducing myself to people I think are beautiful, asking them to model, and have been so very fortunate. They have all turned out to be lovely individuals as well. Too bad I didn't have the same insight in picking boyfriends 25 years ago.

Kimberly Dow 12-29-2004 12:56 AM

I havent lived in a place large enough to have a movie casting company in a long time - or maybe never. What a great idea though.

Chris Saper 12-29-2004 12:10 PM

Oh, well smaller towns wouldn't , you're right. This isn't like 20th Century Fox, it's really to find extras for movies that do get filmed here, and background extras for local commercials.

On the other hand, I met "Richard" when he was the checker at the grocery store, and "Ashley" ( from my recent workshop discussion) I met because she checks people in at the gym. The world is just loaded with beautiful people ( I think).

Sharon Knettell 12-29-2004 01:16 PM

A footnote
Hi folks,

After I researched Club Balloons, I have had the most interesting sites pop up on my computer. The models enthusiastically engaged in these activities, though quite stunning, are probably not interested in $14 per hour as I am sure they would require a lot more for these particular photo sessions. Apparently ladies involved in 'dancing' at venues like Club Balloons can make as much as $700 per evening.

When I talked to my former model about the trials of finding a suitable replacement, I told her about Club Balloons. She said "Ugh ! How could they do that!" When I told her they got $700 a night she said "REALLY!"
I know she would not do it but a lot of kids like her facing $30,000 per annum college bills probably have tried it.

Julie' church idea is sounding better and better. It would be a strange new experience for me, though a few of my paintings have been of the ministers' daughters who lives behind me.

John Crowther 12-29-2004 03:32 PM

Your post made me chuckle, Chris, since I actually live within easy walking distance of 20th Century Fox. I'm fortunate in that my acting students provide me with an ever ready pool of models. Every medium to large size city has acting classes and schools. A note on the bulletin board can bear fruit. -- John C.

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