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Kimberly Dow 10-26-2004 09:33 PM

NYC show
1 Attachment(s)
I had a painting accepted into the American Artists Professional League - 76th Grand National Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club, 47 5th Avenue, NYC - Nov 2 - 12th. Reception Sunday Nov 7th. 2pm-5pm - other days 1 - 5:00pm.

This was a competition I entered and almost did not participate in. I had the painting accepted, but didn't read the fine print. As it turns out - I had to hire a company to accept the package from Fed Ex, uncrate it and then deliver it to the gallery. The cost was a lot more than I was planning. I waivered back and forth for awhile...and in the end I decided to spend the money so I would not seem unprofessional. So - this is my first painting that has ever been to NYC - I am hoping it sells so I do not have to hire that extra shipping company again. Any of you entering competitions - read the fine print!

Anyway - if any of you in NY get by to see this show - let me know if it is a ritzy as it sounds. :cool:

Chris Saper 10-27-2004 12:23 AM

Hey, Kim,


While I absolutely hope you painting sells, I think that it's good to keep in mind that both the sponsoring organization and the Salamagundi venue are very strong credentials for your resume. In fact, they're not available for any price - so your shipping investment is a good one, even if it's round trip.

Jimmie Arroyo 10-27-2004 08:44 AM

That's great Kim!

Wish I had a chance to go, but the hours are'nt gonna work for me. I was gonna be in the area Wed, Nov 10 morning, but have to be out before 10am. As Chris said, the exposure should cover the pain of shipping.

Patricia Joyce 10-27-2004 09:12 AM

Congratulations Kim!!

Kimberly Dow 10-27-2004 09:15 AM

Thanks Chris & Jimmie -

Chris, I am glad you posted that...it is hard to know if any of these competitions are worth it if you are unfamiliar with the venue. You can look on a website, but that doesn't tell you if the name of the organization means anything to anyone or not. Sometimes they are small little town organizations and it feels like it was wasted money/time. This is good - at least you made me feel like my investment might be worthwhile!

Linda Brandon 10-27-2004 10:35 AM

Hi Kim,

Through a twist of fate I may actually be there for the reception. If I am, I'll stand in front of your painting and rant and rave about your work. I'll definitely get by to see it later and I'll take photos for you. (I hear there's so little going on in NY that I'm glad to get suggestions for things to do.)

This is a wonderful venue to show your work and a terrific artist credential for you in getting gallery representation. It's worth the money to get this there and back. Congratulations!

Jimmie, maybe I can meet up with you early Wednesday, I'll email you privately.

Kimberly Dow 10-27-2004 10:41 AM

Ohhh Linda - cool! Thank you! A little help making me look good is always appreciated. :)

But - my invitation says the reception is the 7th, but the website I just noticed says the 2nd. They do not answer calls or emails except on Tuesdays.... the 2nd is not a Sunday though - so that should be the typo!

Mary Sparrow 10-27-2004 05:42 PM

This is very exciting and well deserved Kim. Congratulations!

Sharon Knettell 10-30-2004 05:44 PM

Congratulations Kim,

It is indeed a very snooty venue and a great credential.

I have never entered, as they do not accept billboards or ladies with green hair.

Kimberly Dow 10-30-2004 11:48 PM

Thanks Mary!


That is their loss then - your chics would fit in anywhere!

Ant Carlos 10-31-2004 11:41 PM


Recently I faced that kind of problem here in Brazil. It happened that I did read the fine prints... and I stopped.

I am sure you did much better, going on. Who knows about the great things you are about to find in the other side. At least something good was achieved already, as Chris suggested.

Good luck,


Terri Ficenec 11-01-2004 02:28 AM

Congratulations Kim!

Kimberly Dow 11-02-2004 10:00 AM

Thanks Ant & Terri!

I just heard that I won the Director's Award for this.

Of course with the time difference the woman called right as I was getting the kids off to school....I wonder how professional I sound with hollaring kids in the background. ;)

Linda, if you think you are still going - email me. Maybe you'd like to be my representative and accept the award for me? They seem to strongly encourage the artist to be there or a representative. If not, do not worry about it. I sure wish I had decided to send this in soon enough to get in their color catalog...darn.

Mike McCarty 11-02-2004 10:16 AM


This is a big nugget . I would not be bashful about touting it. How about a post card, a flier, or maybe a balloon over West Texas, or something like that.


Heidi Maiers 11-02-2004 10:43 AM

Wonderful news Kim,
And well deserved. Not only do I think that you will easily sell this painting, I think there will be several people "duking it out" for it.

Patricia Joyce 11-02-2004 10:53 AM

Terrific News Kim!!! Congratulations!!!!!!

Linda Brandon 11-02-2004 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kimberly Dow
Linda, if you think you are still going - email me. Maybe you'd like to be my representative and accept the award for me.

Better yet, I'll wear my guano-spattered overalls and pretend I'm you! And hey, is it a cash award, perchance?

Oh Kim, I couldn't be happier for you about this painting, well done. Big congratulations! I'll email you.

Allan Rahbek 11-02-2004 11:46 AM

Congratulations, you are a winner.


Holly Snyder 11-02-2004 12:59 PM

That's wonderful Kim. Congratulations!

Kimberly Dow 11-02-2004 01:52 PM

Mike - Oh yes - your involvement was totally critical - as a matter of fact I do believe you pointed out a tangent in the wrap and I changed it accordingly - see - I couldnt have done it without you. Now - I do need to send out flyers - can I have your mailing list? ;)

Linda - it is a whoping $100 award. I have never been, but I hear you could spend that in seconds in NYC just taking a cab ride...try not to spend it all in one place! I would like to respectfully request you wear one of Sharon's green wigs if you are going to impersonate me...we might as well make an impression.

Thank you folks - I appreciate it. :D

Janel Maples 11-02-2004 03:48 PM

I'm normally not the jealous type but I find myself feeling.............jealous.

Seriously Kim, I love good success stories. I couldn't be happier for you because it is well deserved. It has been fun watching your progress and good to know that your hard work pays off. Actually I felt the need for a nap just trying to follow what you were up to, I can't imagine actually doing it.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Way to go!!

Michele Rushworth 11-02-2004 04:52 PM

Congratulations, Kim! It's too bad you can't make the trip in person. It's a very nice boost to your ego to stand there incognito and listen to people raving about your painting.

Jimmie Arroyo 11-02-2004 05:06 PM


That's great to hear, you rock!

Terri Ficenec 11-02-2004 05:29 PM

Kim, Congratulations!!

Kimberly Dow 11-02-2004 07:04 PM


Someone jealous of moi? Hey - cool! ;) Thank you. I eat a full cow roasted on a spit for breakfast, why? Actually it's the amazing power of sugarrrrr. Donuts - the breakfast of champions.

Michele - That would be fun for several reasons. I have never been into NYC - I'd feel like such a hick!

Thank you Jimmie & Terri!

Sharon Knettell 11-02-2004 08:16 PM

Show me the money!

Does it come with a check, moolah, ya know the green?
This sounds so tacky and mean, but when I have won an award in the past, it has been hard to keep a thrilled look on my face when the envelope I am handed contains something to be framed and not deposited.

Great news!

Kimberly Dow 11-02-2004 10:14 PM

I know what you mean Sharon, but I won't be there - Linda will have to keep a straight face when receiving the huge $100 check ;) Hey - I am not complaining - it is $100 more than I had earlier.

Sharon Knettell 11-03-2004 11:16 AM

Great, at least you won't have to spend money on a frame, if you were so inclined.

Timothy C. Tyler 01-28-2005 08:21 PM

You go!
So much fame so early-you may get spoiled....it is supoosed to be a long hard road.

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