Portrait Artist Forum

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-   -   How much has SOG helped you? (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=3144)

Mary Sparrow 08-28-2003 09:50 AM

How much has SOG helped you?
Last week when Michelle posted her two portraits showing how much she has accomplished since learning from this forum was so interesting,and impressive to me.

There are many gifted professionals here that selflessly give their time to help others learn and grow as artists. While I do not participate often, I am paying attention, and reading and trying to understand and grow. (In between changing diapers and playing taxi service to the other two boys) I have SO very much more to learn and without this forum I probably would have stayed very mediocre at best for a very long time. Now I have hope that I may eventually turn out a portrait that is actually quite good! I am so very appreciative to Cynthia for all of her efforts in creating this forum.

I know that many of us have improved and I would like to see others post some portraits demonstrating this as Michelle did. If for no other reason than to show Cynthia and the other professionals that the time they give us is indeed worthwhile to us.

Mary Sparrow 08-28-2003 10:21 AM

Here is the baby
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I was working on the week I joined SOG

Mary Sparrow 08-28-2003 10:22 AM

And here is
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the baby I am currently working on. I hope you see an improvement!;)

Michele Rushworth 08-28-2003 10:30 AM

Way to go, Mary. I can see you're making great strides too!

Lynn T. McCallum 08-28-2003 12:35 PM

Cynthia is a Blessing
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Where would I be if this web site were not around? I have been struggling for years with my art and actually put my brushes down for ten years. Since November (when I picked up those moth eaten brushes again), not even a year now, I have grown personally with my art in leaps and bounds. If it weren't for Cynthia and her dedication, 1) I wouldn't have found a lost freind Connie Erickson so fast. 2) Would not be an active member with the PSOATL yet. 3) Marvin Mattelson? Never heard of him. You? 4) Sitting at some community center or art college struggling along the hard way (not that it

Jeff Fuchs 08-28-2003 01:06 PM

I've known of Marvin for years. Back in college, in the 80s, I thumbed through Communication Arts magazine until the pages fell apart. Back then, Marvin was a prominent illustrator, and a staple of the CA illustration annual.

Lynn T. McCallum 08-28-2003 01:16 PM

Jeff! I was just joking for crying out loud :)

Mary! You have gained so much as an artist. Michele, you also. Since I started sneaking peeks back in November, everyone has! It's so exciting watching everyone grow.

Jeff Fuchs 08-28-2003 02:43 PM


I didn't mean to slight your knowledge of the art scene. Back in the 80s there was no reason for anyone outside of the advertising world to know the names of the major illustrators, Marvin included.

I was also following Malcolm Liepke back in the 80s. Since then, he has made a big splash in the fine art world too, but, in my opinion, didn't remain true to his art in recent years. You should have seen his early work!

And what ever happened to Anita Kunz? I never see that name anymore. Maybe she's still in CA, but I don't follow illustration these days.

But back to Mary's question: I'm hoping that my association with this board will benefit me as much as it has Michelle, Mary, Beth, and others. So far, it's mostly taught me that I am much farther from my goals than I thought I was a year ago. There's nothing worse for an amateur than to surround himself with people who think his work is great. I think that is the main shortcoming of wetcanvas.com.

Lynn T. McCallum 08-28-2003 03:50 PM

Jeff, you're an okay fella in my book. You don't know me very well yet :) Boy it's hard to pull folks legs around here. You would think we were a bunch of sensitive artist types or something.

I was surprised to see Marvin in the portrait artist scene. I too used to do a bit of commercial art, back in the Stone Age on cave walls. Wasn't my cup of tea.

Since I've been back in the loop it seems a lot has changed, art is always changing and we are always learning. What's the use of doing art if you aren't learning? As a matter of fact what is the use if you aren't changing and learning anything everyday?

We are all in the same boat. A ship of fools floating on and endless sea of canvas and paint.

Jeff Fuchs 08-28-2003 04:12 PM

While we're congratulating Cynthia, I'm curious to know if there are any other forums of this caliber out there. I've found other art forums, but often they aren't frequented by even one professional artist (my impression).

I'd like access to other venues for times when I have non-portrait art problems. For instance, I recenlty saw a call for entries for an "Animals in Art" competition. If I entered, I'd like to bounce my work off of some professionals for a cruel but honest critique. Can't do that here.

Of course, I could be sneaky about it. I could do portraits of me and my wife with our cats. I could post those here. Ahhh there's always a way.

Mike McCarty 08-28-2003 05:09 PM

Jeff, you wrote:

While we're congratulating Cynthia, yada, yada, yada ...
Why would we want to talk about yada, yada, yada ..., while we're doing what you said we were doing?

Jeff Fuchs 08-28-2003 05:44 PM


Why would we want to talk about yada, yada, yada ..., while we're doing what you said we were doing?
Because we're on the topic of high quality art forums, and what they can do for our development.

That's not too tangential.

Chris Saper 08-28-2003 09:29 PM


I have to jump in and echo the prior posts. Participating in the Portrait Artist Forum has enabled me to grow in so many, and often unexpected ways.

Jeff writes

There's nothing worse for an amateur than to surround himself with people who think his work is great
I couldn't agree with you more. We are all 'amateurs', and here are inspired by our heroes, and encouraged by our own community. My plan is simply to become a better painter. I am far from my goals as well. But how gratifying! I have made wonderful friendships that have not only enriched my life, but my work.

Brava, Cynthia.

Stanka Kordic 08-29-2003 05:16 PM

I completely agree Chris, we are all amateurs. I am always amazed at how much I learn from each painting, that I didn't know before. There is always something to pick up here. I guess the day I stop wanting to improve, is the day I get lowered in the ground!

I also add my kudos to Cynthia for such a spectacular website. I am so thankful to be a part of this professional, well designed site. I've received work (that I probably wouldn't have otherwise) from across the country thanks to Cynthia's efforts in placing SOG everywhere on the search engines.

A great resource, for artists and patrons alike. :D

Jeff Fuchs 09-06-2003 10:55 PM

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Okay, Mary. You asked for before and afters. I'm sure you didn't mean two versions of the same picture, but here's my contribution.

A friend in another part of the state asked for a portrait of his cat. I did the charcoal (bottom) about 8 months ago, and I still haven't had a chance to visit my friend, so I hadn't delivered it yet. Earlier this week, I looked at it in horror. I was glad I hadn't given it to him. I started over.

Cynthia, sorry for the animal picture, but it's the best example I have of what Mary was looking for.

(The black spot on his nose is true to life. The portrait wouldn't be right without it)

Cynthia Daniel 09-07-2003 07:20 AM

It's inspiring to hear all this! It is what keeps me going.

Kimberly Dow 09-07-2003 06:52 PM

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I haven't been on this forum long, just a couple months perhaps. I already notice a difference. The first thing is the difference a quality photo makes. Then there was reading Chris Saper's book. Now if I can figure out why I can spot a good composition, but have trouble creating one.

Here is a closeup of my last portrait commission from a couple months ago, and the face I did last week.

My parents-in-law brought their portrait to me from 5 years ago. It was good for me at the time I did it, but it's so awful now. I'm going to attempt to fix it. The drawing is on, the likeness is perfect and the composition is fine. It's the value & edges that make it look like a cartoon.

Jean Kelly 09-30-2003 12:02 AM


I've meant to reply to this thread for a long time. Guess tonight is the night. I consider this my school, as I'm unable to attend a class regularly (they don't work around my schedule). Some days I'm only able to meditate and don't walk very well. Please don't consider this pity on my part, I'm grateful that pain made me quit trying to be something I'm not. So how much has SOG helped me? No words exist to express the gratitude that I have for this site and all the generous teachers here. This has been my lifeline and connection back to the artworld. Thank you Cynthia, for starting it, someday I will find a way to return the kindness and generosity here.


Karin Wells 10-13-2003 08:42 AM

For me, this is a way to meet and chat with other artists who share a passion for portraiture.

Painting can be such a lonely profession - long hours spent in isolation. The opportunity to "talk technical" whenever I wish (assuming I have a decent internet connection) has been impossible until now.

I love this Forum!

SB Wang 10-13-2003 05:37 PM

My dear American friends:

A week later I'll be on a plane over the sky above you. In that closest distance I wish I could greet you.

Cynthia, your influence on me is in the first place.

Mr. Kinstler's book accompanied me to the new continent, inspired me( plus my earlier experience)to overcome an obstacle of years. You may not weigh my appreciation, but, please remember that one of our colleagues, whose name is on the winning list of ASOPA contest, cannot go back to his homeland. My tears come.

Mr. Sanden, your effort promotes portraiture. I propose to ASOPA to held a show in Beijing.

R.B.W., I cannot forget you, you are a living flame. And, thanks all of you.

Your faces are the face of the U.S., which means "Beautiful Country" in Chinese.

Schubert B.Wang

Lynn T. McCallum 10-13-2003 05:57 PM

Good Bye?
Hello Schubert!

From your last communication, does this mean you are going home and not coming back here? If you are leaving, will you still be writing on the Forum? I have found a lot of subjects that you brought up very interesting and informative.

If you are not able to write to us anymore I will be saddened.

One of Your Many American Friends,
Lynn :)

Cynthia Daniel 10-14-2003 01:34 AM

You're truly welcome everyone. And, thank you Mary for starting this thread! If I ever feel blue, I can just come back here and read again.

SB Wang 10-18-2003 04:44 PM

Dear Lynn:

Thank you for your encouragement and compliment to my posts.

I mentioned a tragic fate of a Chinese artist, who is among top ten of finalists in a national watercolor exhibition, but he surrended to the bad fate.

Mike McCarty 01-19-2004 11:09 AM

If I calculate correctly, this post will be the beginning of my second thousand.

I'm not prone to slurpy sentiment but I thought this might be a good time for me to express my gratitude to all those here who have contributed to my continuing education. To all the regular contributors who have either summoned up the nerve to post their less than perfect work, so that I might learn from your mistakes, or, to the truly gifted artists who have shown me what is possible. To all the moderators, who will have to figure out how to edit that previous poorly constructed sentence. And to Al Gore, for inventing the Internet.

I would like to thank my daughter who, even as a little tike, could muster the nerve to say - Dad, it's just not right.

And lastly, and mostly, to Cynthia for giving all of us the opportunity to share our thoughts, our passions, our successes and failures.

To all above I offer this Irish blessing, author uknown:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

SB Wang 01-20-2004 12:06 PM

Dear Mike,
Congratulations for your 1001!

For all who past 1000, you are living on a fairy land.

Mike, if you email me a clear photo of you, I'll draw a sketch for you.

Mike McCarty 01-20-2004 01:25 PM

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Dear SB,

I am touched by your offer. As many photographs as I have taken over the years I have successfully managed to avoid the front end of the camera. I have searched for anything suitable and came up with some possibilities which I will e-mail to you. You may choose from them as you will. I could never pass up such a generous offer.

My daughter will be traveling to Beijing in the spring. She will be there about a week to take in all the cultural highlights including the great wall. I would love to be going with her but sadly will not.

I have saved this sketch, which you posted some time ago, and refer to it often. To me it is simply brilliant.

SB Wang 01-22-2004 12:22 PM

Dear Mike,

Happy Chinese New Year or Spring Festival!

I am very impressed by your kindness.

Heidi Maiers 01-29-2004 06:08 PM

I don't conceive that there will ever be an end to this thread - as long as this site exists it will continue to be of great help to all who are exposed to it. The art is brilliant, the people are full of character, and the lessons are invaluable.

Personally, this site has been a source of inspiration for me and as far as boosting my career, since becoming a member in October 2003, my web site traffic has increased from an average of 350 individual hits per month to over 700 and climbing. More hits translates into more business and for the first time ever, I have a waiting list.

Thanks Cynthia!

Cynthia Daniel 01-29-2004 07:38 PM


Wow, good to know. I always like knowing details of things that happen for artists and I include them in my very unscheduled newsletter that goes out to main site members. It keeps everyone inspired. If you have any further details, feel free to share.

Terri Ficenec 01-29-2004 09:48 PM

This site has made it possible for me to turn something I love doing into a business that I love! Before discovering this forum last summer, I had just a vague idea that about wanting to try to make a go of it painting -- but no idea (or maybe some half-baked ideas) about how to go about it. This forum provided so much information --about marketing, pricing, contractual concerns, potential copyright pitfalls, photography, painting technique and materials, etc. and that's even before the invaluable opportunity of having other artists critique your work and the inspiration of what some are able to achieve! Thanks to all of you, (and all the expertise, encouragement, and advice that you share) - I get to paint as my job! :sunnysmil

Without this site I'd still be programming and just painting for myself on the side... wondering if there was any way to make something more of it. I would have always wondered if I could have 'done something' with the painting - but probably never really had the nerve to try it. It is so amazing to have found this community of artists, and I so appreciate all of you here! This site is a God-send. It's been my artistic lifeline.

Thank you Cynthia! Thank you all.

Heidi Maiers 02-17-2004 12:03 AM

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No real exciting details to add to that Cynthia. Below is a diagram of the past year of unique hits to my site. Notice that in October, the graph takes off. This month am already on pace to surpass 1000.

As far as commissions go, for some reason, I am getting quite a few portrait orders - for dogs! One could say that my career is going to the dogs, but I don't mind one bit. Another job presented to me (still in the very early stages of discussion)is to make six life size figures to be installed at a house in the Hamptons, NY. I am not sure how to even begin to bid this one. The kicker is that they are to be cast in concrete, and even though my foundry would do all of that plus installation, I'm not sure I have the confidence yet to accept such a large commission and still keep my day job. Life is certainly getting more interesting these days.

Cynthia Daniel 02-17-2004 12:13 AM

Wow, thanks for showing the graph Heidi. I love seeing things like that and it makes my job much more rewarding.

Would you mind if I use that graph in some of my promo materials? I wouldn't use your name. And, do you happen to have a larger version of it that you could email me?

SB Wang 12-04-2008 01:36 PM

Cynthia, you made my 365x N days, now is your day
Unlike some established artists, joining SOG was my career turning point.
Also unlike most, if not to say all of the SOG artists, here, I received a God-sent when I was bothered by robbery and other criminals .
This year, my alumna found me to paint her son, by my updated website...
Thank you for millions,

又不同於大多數,如果不是說所有的SOG藝術家,在這裡,當我受到搶劫和其他罪犯困擾和糾纏, 我收到了上帝禮品。
今年,我的校友找到我畫她的兒子,來自 我的更新網站...

Michele Rushworth 12-04-2008 02:29 PM

Happy birthday to Cynthia!

Without SOG I wouldn't be doing this career at all. Thanks again, Cynthia!

Enzie Shahmiri 12-08-2008 01:38 PM

Wonderful birthday wishes from me as well Cynthia!

Celeste McCall 12-03-2011 02:10 PM

Dear Cynthia,
As an owner of a forum and mailing list for porcelain artists, I know how unappreciated it feels sometimes.

Please know that even though I haven't had time the past 5 years to participate here, I often check it and am thrilled to read all the posts. Many times I don't sign in and just read. However, I think that you have made the BEST place for professionals on the internet.

Please know that we appreciate all that you have done here. It is truly amazing, enjoyable, and you are delightful to deal with.

Thank you, my dear.

Michele Rushworth 12-04-2011 01:23 PM

SOG has helped me SO much, when I was getting started and each year as I try to move my career to the next level. I couldn't do any of it without you, Cynthia!

Adriano Maggi 09-23-2023 08:19 AM

The same to me .I got lost at the beginning ,and the friendship of the members helped
a lot to learn how proceed better and better in painting.
Thanks Cynthia.

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