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Renee Price 07-16-2003 08:35 PM

Congratulations Marvin!
Congratulations to Marvin Mattelson for his recent award from Artist Magazine. Marvin won an Honorable Mention with his portrait of Julia. Artist Magazine will publish the winners in their December issue.

Excellent job Marvin!

Renee Price

Renee Price 07-16-2003 08:52 PM


Will you post your paintings?


Marvin Mattelson 07-16-2003 09:52 PM

Full painting
1 Attachment(s)
This is the full painting. An enlarged version is on my site http://www.fineartportrait.com/julia_painting.html

Marvin Mattelson 07-16-2003 09:53 PM

Head detail
1 Attachment(s)
A very enlarged version of the head is also on my site http://www.fineartportrait.com/julia..._painting.html

Carl Toboika 07-16-2003 11:11 PM

Very well done, Marvin, beautiful as always. Heartfelt congratulations!


Kimberly Dow 07-17-2003 01:02 AM

That is a beautiful painting. Just out of curiosity, approximatly how long did the tiny flowers on the dress take you? Is each one exactly in the place it was when she posed or were you slightly random? I am just imagining the time involved.

Linda Brandon 07-17-2003 04:39 PM


Congratulations on your award! This is a terrific, sensitive painting.

Best wishes,

Alicia Kornick 07-18-2003 11:40 PM

Congrats Marvin,

She is lovely! You did an incredible job with her hair. It truly is her crowning glory. I think you should have won, just for having the patience to paint all of those tiny little flowers.

Cynthia Daniel 07-19-2003 09:50 PM

Congratulations, Marvin!

Marvin Mattelson 07-20-2003 12:07 AM

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.

FYI the flowers were not randomly placed. They were painted freely, in the right positions so they would break up the space of the white dress without distracting from her face.

Marta Prime 07-20-2003 01:46 PM

Congratulations Marvin! This has always been one of my favorite paintings. I have spent a lot of time studying her hair, which is so amazing! Each curl was done with so much precision, the effect is nothing less than awesome! I hope I will be good enough one day to take one of your workshops. Thank you for all of the wonderful information you share!

Elizabeth Schott 07-22-2003 12:15 AM

Clapclapclap, bravo Marvin, I am not surprised! :thumbsup:

Tom Edgerton 07-25-2003 01:56 PM

Having seen the master at work, this is not a surprise. Many more sure to follow.

Best as always--TE

Enzie Shahmiri 07-26-2003 12:19 PM

I somehow missed this thread. Congratulations Marvin!

SB Wang 07-26-2003 02:06 PM

Sheng Bi
In Cynthia's "living Room",
See Marvin's "Stroke of Genius"!

Marvin Mattelson 07-27-2003 12:42 PM

Thanks again and again
Thanks again to all of you who are so kind to acknowledge my prize.

Marta- I'm glad that you consider my portrait of Julia so highly. She is truly an angel and if you think I was able to capture just a little piece of that then I consider my painting a success. Thinking you need to be good enough to take one of my workshops is like dusting before the cleaning person comes. I welcome artists of all levels.

Beth- I'm always surprised. Judging is so subjective, especially considering the huge numbers of entries.

Tom- I don't know about calling me a "master." Maybe a "master of my own domain" (see Seinfield for clarification on that point). Remember, anyone who aligns themselves too closely with me shall be subject to harsh retribution from the Righteous Brothers.

Enzie- Your words are much appreciated.

SB- Thank you for the generous compliment.

I am always pleased to do well in Juried shows, but I take the results with a grain of salt. Obviously no one wants to be rejected so just getting in is great. However I have set high standards for myself and I want to do as well as possible, so on the other hand, I am never satisfied.

Judging is very subjective. You have to consider the agenda of the judges. Some are very open and looking for artwork which is a good for what it is. To me, a good abstract painting is far better than a bad portrait. However many judges are looking to justify their own aesthetic choices which they have tied into their very artistic existence. This obviously stems from deep seeded insecurity. I've seen many winning paintings which strongly resemble the style of that particular judge. Enough about that.

The reason I enter competitions is for the exposure and for the inference of quality that my potential clients assume. To me, my paintings don't get better because they win nor do they get worse if I lose. What really matters is if I am satisfied with my portraits and that my clients are as well.

I always keep in mind the quality of work I aspire towards (Bouguereau, Paxton, Raeburn, Kramskoy, etc.). This keeps me quite humble and prevents any tendency to become too full of myself. I know that due to my sarcastic sense of humor some thin skinned people (see there I go again) reading my words misinterpret my meaning and assume arrogance on my part. Those who have had the opportunity (dare I say pleasure?) to spend time with me generally don't make that assumption.

In reality I'm a very grateful man who has been blessed with a beautiful family and enough talent to justify a career as an artist. I get to pay the bills doing what I love to do the most. This is the greatest prize I could ever wish for.

Marta Prime 07-27-2003 09:51 PM

Oh Marvin, if you only knew! I believe I probably would straighten up before the maid comes! I am on the obsessive/compulsive side. I'm not sure that is good or bad as far as painting is concerned.

Renee Price 07-27-2003 11:13 PM

Marta, Marta, Marta, I'm A LOT on the obsessive compulsive side! Ask anyone from the Greensboro workshop! You would be fine at one of his workshops. We had people of every level and Marvin made them all comfortable. You will never find a more down-to-earth, supportive teacher. Denise and I know him probably better than anyone else on this forum and we can both say that he is not at all arrogant. Denise and I wanted a comfortable supportive learning environment without the competitiveness and back-biting that people have found at other workshops--and we got just that!! I don't think Marvin would put up with pettiness or arrogance in his classroom. Find a workshop close by and don't hesitate to register--it will be the best investment in yourself you can make--ask anyone who has learned from him.


Denise Hall 07-27-2003 11:42 PM

Congratulations Marvin
Congratulations on your Honorable Mention award for your portrait of Julia, Marvin!

I'm late, as usual, but wanted to take this opportunity to give you some more well deserved praise. Having spent a week carting you around in Greensboro while having many wonderful art filled conversations, I enjoy remembering the story behind the portrait of Julia. It is a lovely work of art. Yes, the judges/judging can be very subjective - as I have found out many times when I enter juried shows. The cards were in your favor this time!

Your humbleness toward accepting the praise from others on the forum is "you", and I should know. Your willingness to share your knowledge and advice to us on the forum is always welcome. It is too bad that written words without sound don't convey personality better because you are truly such a funny, down to earth guy. I never see your posts as confrontational or anything but your own opinions and thoughts to enthusiastically share with other artists. The other thing I realize about you is you are your own harshest critic. I think any artist worth his salt is.

During our week at the Greensboro workshop we all heard many of your stories from your personal experiences that linked with your painting background. Most of the time they linked to something you were teaching us in a very real, useful way. Your generosity toward all of us was amazing and I know that being in your class at SVA must be quite an experience. Marvin, you are a consummate teacher - I imagine that you never give halfway or sit down for even 5 minutes during your classes.

The statement you made about your family is what I remember most about you - those phone calls to check on your son's tennis tournament, which, you had to miss the week you were with us, for example. Yes, you are very talented, deserve recognition and are blessed to be able to make a living at what you truly love so much - painting!

And, by the way, boy......can you draw and paint!

Inspired and practicing daily,

Marvin Mattelson 07-28-2003 12:00 AM

No mas!
After receiving all of this wonderful praise I have decided to submit my name as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize? If I could just convince everyone in the world to take my workshops, they would all be too busy happily painting portraits and there would be no one left to make wars and do other bad stuff. Whata ya think?

Renee Price 07-28-2003 12:08 AM

Marvin, if the world lived by your philosophy, there wouldn't be any wars....


Mike McCarty 07-28-2003 09:29 AM


I've been asked to communicate to you (especially you) and others, that all competitions have been cancelled for the remainder of the this year and next. So if you've got plans to submit anymore of your work, fugitaboutit.

Note: Only take instruction on this matter from me. I'll get back to you if anything changes.

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