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Grace DeVito 06-03-2003 08:12 AM

Mattelson workshop
1 Attachment(s)
I recently attended a 4 day workshop by Marvin Mattelson in Greenwich, CT. It was an enjoyable and very informative experience.

Marvin really explains everything very thoroughly. He demonstrates how he works from begining to end. The class would watch his demos then go back to their own easels while Marvin gave individual attention to each of us. Break times were filled with informative lectures on everything from technique to mini art history lessons.

Marvin is a wealth of information! Personally, Marvin was able to fill in some missing gaps in my art education. He has a real understanding of painting the human form. I would recommend his classes and workshops to artist of all levels; even the seasoned professional will gain much. I look forward to doing so again myself. I've posted the study done during the workshop, approximate painting time 10 hrs.

Timothy C. Tyler 06-03-2003 11:04 AM

Very nice
That is one very nice painting.

Grace DeVito 06-03-2003 06:47 PM

Thank you very much for your comment Timothy!

Mari DeRuntz 06-04-2003 12:21 PM

What a beautiful head, Grace. I keep coming back to study the transitions in the flesh, and the warm, quiet shadows. I look forward to seeing more!

Chris Saper 06-04-2003 07:33 PM

Dear Grace,

Lovely painting, beautiful color and temperature transitions. Your new web site looks wonderful, too.

Elizabeth Schott 06-05-2003 12:29 AM

Thanks Grace... I can't wait! But first, Tim! ;)

Linda Brandon 06-05-2003 12:54 AM

Dear Grace,

I'm very impressed with this painting, your virtuoso technique and your ability to portray drama. I'm particularly impressed with the fact you did this under the pressure of a workshop situation. Marvin couldn't possibly wish for a better advertisement for his classes. I hope you'll continue to post on this Forum.

By the way, what did you use for a medium (if any) for this painting?

Best regards,

Grace DeVito 06-05-2003 08:19 AM

Thank you both for your kind words. It is very gratifing to have professionals say such nice things about my work.

Grace DeVito 06-05-2003 08:27 AM

Dear Linda,

For this painting the medium used was just plain old linseed oil. I typically would use a 50/50 mix of linseed and distilled turpentine, but Marvin recommended using just the linseed oil so the paint film would not be weakened.

I thought it would be very oily, but by not using too much it was just fine. He also uses no turp to clean brushes during painting but rather uses a different brush for each different value of paint. This way the paint dosen't get muddy. Odorless mineral spirits are used to clean brushes when painting is done for the day.

Hope this helps.

Renee Price 06-05-2003 11:39 AM

Hi Grace,

Lovely painting! The skin tones are so clean. I know that Marvin uses a limited palette for skin tones. Did you use Marvin's palette?

If it was possible, you've made me look forward to his workshop even more!

Two more weeks!
Renee :cool:

Grace DeVito 06-05-2003 01:59 PM


Yes, I did use Marvin's palette for skin tones. I usually use a limited palette anyway but with some slight variations. I plan to use Marvin's palette in the future. I find a limited palette helps me to keep the painting unified.

Good luck at the workshop, I'm sure you'll get a lot out of it!

Marvin Mattelson 06-05-2003 06:03 PM

One picture=1000 words?
1 Attachment(s)
One of the other participants, Candice, just emailed these images. I'll post them one at a time. First Grace (in pink) painting away.


You're absolutely right. I'm making Grace my poster girl. She's an exceptional artist, and I'm so pleased that someone as proficient an artist as she was able to profit by the four days we spent together.

However, I feel that the workshop is more than just being able to turn out a decent looking painting. I want to change the context of how people view the painting process.

To me the most important thing is, for those who choose to experience my point of view, to take away both a new vision and the techniques to carry it forward and keep growing.

To have someone say that they will be incorporating what they learned in my class into their process is very satisfying and validating to me as a teacher and an artist.

Marvin Mattelson 06-05-2003 06:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is me with my trusty palette and my wonderful model, Jessica, standing next to my demonstration painting. (Note to Patt, one head, no forked tongue, no horns and no tail, sorry!)

I do a three hour demo on how to mix it up and arrange it, so no, I can't describe it here. However, Flake White, Raw Umber, Ivory Black, Perm. Aliz. Crimson, Burnt Sienna, Viridian, Ultramarine Blue, Indian Red, Venetian Red and Yellow Ochre are the arrows I keep in my quiver. Real Naples Yellow and Genuine Vermillion are available if necessary.

Note: I usually paint wearing my tuxedo, but on that fateful day it was at the cleaners.

Mari DeRuntz 06-05-2003 11:30 PM

Thank you for the details, and for posting these photos. I'm becoming a workshop junkie....

Renee Price 06-08-2003 10:39 AM

Thanks for posting these pictures of the workshop, Marvin. Now Denise and I will know who to look for at the airport instead of just holding up the sign, "THE MAN." I can't wait!

Linda, you're right, this is a GREAT advertisement for Marvin's workshop. I hadn't thought about it that way since the Greensboro workshop has been full since April. Maybe it will help us for next year though, since we have people who are already trying to register for that one!

Great pictures! It looks like ya'll (getting everyone acclimated to that southern drawl ;) ) had a lot of fun! Only 11 more days!

Renee :cool:

Elizabeth Schott 06-08-2003 11:46 PM

Well I could have fun with your self - description Marvin, but I am too tired today! :)

Your demo looks lovely! Don't forget you told me if I behaved I could take home the autographed canvas original! Right?????

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