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Chris Saper 04-14-2008 09:40 PM

Garth Herrick American Artist Interview
Dear Garth,

I was delighted to open my email today to find your taped interview with American Artist Magazine on line! I am so thrilled for you! This a wonderful opportunity for people to see you and your work, and to hear about your process.

Here is the link : http://www.myamericanartist.com/2008...herrick-s.html

From there, you'll be able to find an ongoing step-by-step.

Congratulations, Garth:)

Alexandra Tyng 04-15-2008 11:19 AM

Congratulations, Garth! The interview is great--just like you. You made some excellent points. I'm still waiting for my copy of AA to come in the mail, but from reading your copy quickly I think it's a great article. The reproductions are such good quality, too. :thumbsup: :exclamati

Allan Rahbek 04-15-2008 04:12 PM

It's so great to see you, Garth, you are a fine ambassador for what we are trying to do. :)

Linda Brandon 04-16-2008 09:41 AM

Wow, Garth! (I have yet to see my own copy - I can't wait to get it.). So good to hear that you are getting all this attention - I am so happy for you. :)

Julie Deane 04-16-2008 11:25 AM

Congratulations, Garth! I got to see the advance copy at the conference, and it's a great article. Well deserved....

Garth Herrick 04-16-2008 11:38 AM

It's Wow for me too
4 Attachment(s)
I'm beginning to wonder, who is this guy in the video interview? Maybe I should ask if he knows me. He looks somehow familiar.

Kidding aside, it's very strange to watch oneself for the first time in a video. At first viewing I actually covered my eyes whenever I spoke something. Half a day later I watched it again, and on balance it seems okay as a portrayal and in intent.

Thank you Chris, for alerting us and linking this, and thanks, Alex (who telephoned me), Alan, and Linda, all my good friends. Alan, I wonder if American Artist is available at news stands outside of the U.S.?

I am still trying to get accustomed to this developing fledgling publicity. I think M. Stephen Doherty did a fine job with my interview, and focusing our conversation, for which I am grateful. I have just embedded this interview as a new addition on the video page on my web site (a work in progress); but by all means, pay American Artist a direct visit.

I have turned the tables and added three images of Mr. Doherty interviewing me; the last is him on my computer! He did not wear a bow-tie as is usual, but in a strangely random happenstance we wore the same clothes except his shirt was green and mine was gray.

All the best,


Garth Herrick 04-16-2008 11:52 AM

Oh that's right, the printed version too!

Originally Posted by Julie Deane
Congratulations, Garth! I got to see the advance copy at the conference, and it's a great article. Well deserved....

Dear Julie, thanks! It was great to meet you in person. I had my 50 ordered copies of (June) American Artist Magazines shipped and delivered right before the PSOA Conference got going last week. In fact, I did not even read the article (page 37) until I got there and sat in the (Philadelphia) Sheraton lobby.

Many of the quotations attributed to me are enhanced and more articulate than I could ever mutter on my own. Some reproductions are a little dark and murky, but I must say I could not ask for a better write-up by Mr. Doherty.


Allan Rahbek 04-16-2008 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Garth Herrick
. Alan, I wonder if American Artist is available at news stands outside of the U.S.?

I will see if I can get it in

Mary Cupp 04-16-2008 10:44 PM

The video interview was wonderful Garth! I can't wait for subsequent additions.

I am wondering if there is a way to save the interview onto ones computer. My phone line connection is excruciatingly slow. It took me about four hours to download, a chore which will have to repeated every time I try to revisit it. It would be so helpful to be able to save it on my hard drive but I have never been able to do that with Flash downloads. Do any of you computer buffs have any suggestions?

Michele Rushworth 04-16-2008 11:44 PM

Fantastic, Garth! I also enjoyed looking at the print article at the PSA conference -- it had excellent reproductions, too.

Also, for those of you who didn't know, Garth won an award in the "best portfolio" competition, too -- well deserved!

It was great to see you, Garth, and thanks again for the ride to Alex's place.

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