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Steven Sweeney 03-19-2006 03:30 PM

Nudes with Values
4 Attachment(s)
Perhaps there's a better place for this, but I'll leave that to the current administrators . . .

Having just said in another thread that I have no occasion anymore to work from nude models, I realize nonetheless that for those drawings and paintings I have done, there are precious few venues for display, so I might as well use this Forum thread for its intended purposes. I actually had to quit displaying them in my studio work space (before it burned down), which was in, let

Steven Sweeney 03-19-2006 03:33 PM

That last one looks pretty bad on my monitor, but that's not unusual, running images through AOL's browser. If it looks awful to everyone else, I'll try to snap another photo -- though I'm afraid the drawing itself is in that closet, which is 1250 miles away from my snowbound position.

Sharon Knettell 03-19-2006 04:03 PM


She is lovely. The sketch is beautifully done also.

This SO HARD to do, as I learned during the figure drawing classes I went to. We were not fortunate to learn the sight size technique then. This show how the proper technique combined with talent and knowledge can result in such a beautiful drawing.

This is the way we all should begin.

Sharon Knettell 03-19-2006 04:09 PM


Lets see some more!

Cindy Procious 03-19-2006 06:06 PM

This is the first time (I think) I've seen your work, and it was worth the wait. She is, indeed, beautiful, and your drawing from life so finely executed.

Thanks so much for sharing. And, share more!

Alexandra Tyng 03-19-2006 06:52 PM


Wow, these are fine drawings! The man's foreshortened leg is very well done with a minimum of fuss. I want to see more of your work, too.

Steven Sweeney 03-19-2006 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Alexandra Tyng
The man's foreshortened leg is very well done with a minimum of fuss.


Garth Herrick 03-19-2006 09:49 PM


I also want to compliment and thank you for posting your perfectly finished nudes! It is a treat to view your work, and it will be great to see more.

Seeing these make me want to find a similar multi session, long term pose opportunity. The best I can get with the life drawing group I am currently with is a twenty minute pose. Sometimes that seems like too much time; especially if it gets off to a bad start. There just is not time for all the refined observation you have mastered. Time to find a group that likes to do longer poses!


Linda Brandon 03-19-2006 11:06 PM

Steven, these are very beautiful drawings and I agree with everybody here - please post more often!

Molly Sherrick Phifer 03-20-2006 12:38 AM


These are great! It's great to have very long poses over a period of weeks, isn't it???

Garth, maybe we can get a Philadelphia area group together to do long poses and hire our own models. It's a thought. Alex, are you interested?

Steve, please post more of these if you can find them and dust 'em off. They are lovely. I believe these are the first works of yours I've seen also. Where are you hiding them?

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