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David Draime 09-13-2005 10:33 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Just finished this one. I actually started this one before Diana but got tired of it and put it away - not really intending to finish it. It was done on unsanded paper and I didn't like the feel of it - especially after experiencing the very nice, sanded paper that I used for Diana. So I forced myself to finish this one in spite of my lack of motivation. I always liked the way the face was coming along, but everything else was pure tedium.

I took the photo of this woman at the same market where I photographed the old man in Tak! Ukraine - I think the two were together, probably husband and wife. I think she has the greatest face/expression, but - again! - not the greatest reference photo - light-wise.

Pastel, approx. 17 X 20" on Twinrocker (Cornflower blue).

Enzie Shahmiri 09-13-2005 10:41 AM

David, I love it...I love it...I love it....!

You know I am a sucker for old folks and you did this painting of her with such sensitivity and skill. I have to stop writing so I can have another look. Just stunning!

Ok, I took a look at the gentleman as well (I had missed that post). Wau, just beautiful!

How did you create the texture in her head cover? It looks like a soft knit and must have taken hours to do.

Linda Brandon 09-13-2005 11:17 AM

Oh David... ! This is another knockout, such beautiful sensitivity on this. Your edges are lovely here. (I am really starting to love diffused light conditions). Congratulations on another wonderful piece.

Brenda Ellis 09-13-2005 12:36 PM

I want to have a cup of tea with this lady and then go shopping for vegetables with her!
This is wonderful. Your lack of motivation does not show at all. I think you got the lighting to really work for you in the pose and composition. Beautiful.

Claudemir Bonfim 09-13-2005 12:41 PM

Another marvelous work David, I loved the colors, details, everything!

Thanks for sharing that with us.

Jenni Nolen 09-13-2005 01:20 PM


This is such a wonderful sensitive piece. Your textures are just amazing.

Kimberly Dow 09-13-2005 02:14 PM

That is just stunning - wow.

Chris Saper 09-13-2005 07:03 PM

Dear David,

What a completely beautiful job. Beautiful color and edges, the modeling is really oustanding.

Congratulations on a lovely, successful piece!

Linda Nelson 09-13-2005 07:22 PM

I second everything that's already been said here about your peice. Thank goodness you decided to finish it - it's a an absolute treat to look at.


Janet Kimantas 09-13-2005 07:50 PM

I read your amazingly self-deprecating intro to this, scrolled down to the painting and said "Holy smokin'" out loud. I am currently completely alone in the house and not given to talking to myself. Holy wow.

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