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-   -   It's been a long time! (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=1263)

Kevin Noonan 09-04-2002 09:00 PM

It's been a long time!
1 Attachment(s)
Gulp! It has taken me all day to pluck up the courage to post this message. I am in awe of the work revealed amongst these web pages. It is so inspiring I only wish this was available while I was a student. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on my work, and will over the coming months scan the Forum, absorbing the wealth of information therein.

As yet I do not earn a living from my passion. It has been ten years since I put pencil to paper. This pastel is my first since

Kevin Noonan 09-04-2002 09:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Detail 1

Kevin Noonan 09-04-2002 09:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Detail 2

Mari DeRuntz 09-05-2002 08:48 AM

...she is exquisite. Thank you for posting the details, each one really grabs me more than the previous. The modeling in the face is so delicate, and yet it really vibrates with life and light.

I wasn't so sure about the simplified green haze she emerges out of, but coincidentally I'm reading a great book by Gregory Maguire, "Wicked, the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West" (for any readers out there, :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ) where the protagonist is, of course, green. Anyway, perhaps because of the mystical book, I don't object to the other-worldly green mist as I might otherwise.

If it has been 10 years since you've picked up a pencil, it has obviously been a 10 years filled with LOOKING and SEEING. I am in awe of this work. Please post more.

Kevin Noonan 09-05-2002 10:32 AM

Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback. Believe me when I say I have been refreshing the Forums waiting for a reply. I must admit I rushed the "green" at the bottom wanting to get on to the next project. I had intended to complete Kirsty's torso but my wife wanted to reduce it to just head and shoulders or put a vest on her. Needless to say it has now been a couple of days since I finished it and may add some blocked flesh tone back over the green on the left hand side.

I already have my reference material sorted for the next portrait. Kirsty again! I have so many more photos of her pulling faces I probably will make a study of them. Doh! Another project.

Kevin Noonan

Mary Speirs 09-05-2002 11:15 AM

Your work is beautiful. I can't believe it's been ten years!

Have you taken art classes?

Kevin Noonan 09-05-2002 12:19 PM

From 17 to 21 I attended Art College. Two-year course of Technical illustration and a two-year advertising graphics course. I'm now 36, and for the last 10 years my career has been IT. Mostly working away from home, living in hotels and long, long hours. I have just joined a local art club. Literally yesterday!

Tonight I start my next project. The problem I have at the moment is I get half way through one painting and want to start the next. I need to produce as many quality paintings as possible to promote myself. I've been reading the Forum about approaching other people to pose and can't wait. But first I need to build my own confidence and complete about three more pastels of immediate family before attempting oils and asking other people to pose. I'm already drooling at the thought of approaching a charismatic stranger and producing a piece of work which does them justice. Hmmm! Drooling is probably the wrong approach but I think you know what I mean. ;)


Kevin Noonan 09-07-2002 04:24 PM

After setting this pastel to one side for a few days, I have to agree that the green is too much. I will rework it and repost to the pastel critique forum. Any suggestions at this point would be appreciated.


Mike McCarty 09-07-2002 06:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Here is a simple solution which I think communicates the essence of your image.

Steven Sweeney 09-07-2002 07:05 PM


I'm already drooling at the thought of approaching a charismatic stranger and producing a piece of work which does them justice. Hmmm! Drooling is probably the wrong approach
Yeah, I don't know what kind of luck you'll have with this move, but when I do it I usually get slapped and have a drink thrown in my face.

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