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-   -   Myers-Briggs personality temperament test - are more artists "intuitive" or "sensing? (http://portraitartistforum.com/showthread.php?t=1042)

Cynthia Daniel 07-24-2002 10:36 PM

Myers-Briggs for Artists
Tell us your Myers-Briggs personality type! If you're not familiar with the test, here's some history and explanation: http://www.capt.org/The_MBTI_Instrum...el%20Myers.cfm

Here is an overview of the types: http://www.capt.org/The_MBTI_Instrument/Overview.cfm Thoughts?

Here's a site where you can take a free test:

By the way, the Keirsey test (which I believe is an offshoot of Myers-Briggs) rates me as an INFJ and Myers-Briggs as an INFP. But, my "intuition" tells me I'm more of an INFJ and that's what I marked in the poll. So, if you want to investigate more deeply, take the Keirsey also. It used to be free, but the last time I looked, it was $15. http://www.advisorteam.com/user/login.asp

I give Tim Tyler credit for bringing the subject up originally. I think he must be intuitive because I was just recently discussing this subject with a friend. :)

And, I give Renee Price credit for actually starting a Myers-Briggs thread earlier. But, I reposted so it could be a poll. Renee, come and vote!

Here's a short orientation on the meaning of the letters and their relative positions:

1. Introvert (I) or Extrovert (E)
2. Sensing (S) or Intuitive (N)
3. Feeling (F) or Thinking (T)
4. Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

Timothy C. Tyler 07-24-2002 11:09 PM

Usually 50-50 on the N/S sometimes they call this an "X" I think.

Cynthia Daniel 07-25-2002 09:24 AM

Hmmm, though the poll was a good idea, I'm noticing that my Sagittarius curiousity as to who is what type isn't being fulfilled. So, I encourage all of you voting in the poll to also post what you are, unless you prefer to be private about it.

Mari DeRuntz 07-25-2002 10:12 AM

I'm not a professional, but art has, since earliest memories, been central in my life.

Anyways, I tested INFP even with slightly different answers to the same questions on the free test site you reference above (thank you!). This is "the healer." Although I haven't ever exactly thought of myself as a healer, it seems to be an accurate description in the followup articles.

Interesting thread.

Renee Price 07-25-2002 10:36 AM

I'm here, Cynthia! I am an ENTJ which is Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging.

Renee Price

Cynthia Daniel 07-25-2002 10:50 AM

Ah-hah! We have our first "S" (sensing), instead of "N". Wonder who that might be. I was struck by the abundance of "N's." As of this writing 8 out of 9 are "intuitives."

Khaimraj Seepersad 07-25-2002 09:24 PM

Oh, this is really rich. I am an INTJ. Moderate on all scores - chuckle. Strange, I just finished telling someone on another group that I was a pragmatist.

Rochelle Brown 07-26-2002 02:47 PM

Well, if anyone's interested, I'm an INFJ. Is it possible that that may change if something in my life changes?

Timothy C. Tyler 07-26-2002 06:29 PM

Under protest
I'm a soft INTP. My wife says I'm an ISTP in denial, because I don't love fantasy to the extent she does, and ISTP's are the woodworkers, craftsmen and artists (according to one test.)

Jim Riley 07-26-2002 08:14 PM

Apparently I am ENFJ. But my friends call me Jim.

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