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Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:24 AM


Seriously - we are not messing with you Mike. We are truly THAT dumb. OK - I admit - the lightbulb question was dumber than usual, but the rest is real!

I just took 35 photos of a pretty abused Barbie. Im going to post a few and show what I figured out.

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:29 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Ok - I took this photos by the window in an upstairs bedroom. It is overcast, but fairly bright outside as it is snowing here. I searched the whole house for a doll, but apparently my daughter has hidden them all as she had friends over this past weekend and doesnt want to be caught playing with dolls still. I did find this one in my son's room. I am not going to ask.

This first one is set to the WB setting that shows a cloud in front of the sun. The photos in order are ISO 100, 800 and 1600. (the others were still blurry). This is the setting I would guess would be best with the lighting, but I am not sure.

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am sorry they are so small - I didnt want to take up much room on the forum with my stupid experiments. But - it might help Mary?

This one is the WB setting that is a rectangle with lines coming from it. The book does not tell me what kind of lighting this is for. This ISO is 400 and the clearest one.

Mary Sparrow 02-01-2005 11:31 AM

KIM, you are killing me this morning. LOVELY MODEL you got for yourself there. But I think my baby doll is prettier.

But seriously, your test is teaching me something.

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This one is the WB setting that shows a circle and two wedges beneath it. Again, the book does not tell me what this means. The ISO I've posted here is 800.

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok - this one is the WB setting of AWB (auto) and the one I posted is the ISO of 1600 - it was the best one.

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is the WB setting that shows the little house with shade and its the ISO of 1600 - again the best.

Mike McCarty 02-01-2005 11:38 AM

Would you mind standing her up and maybe taking her top off?

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:41 AM

I wont bother posting the ones I took of the bulb lighting and the sunshine - since those were obviously the wrong choices. I did them just to see. The sunshine one wasnt terrible though at 1600 ISO.

I know they are hard to see here, but from my computer it looks like the WB setting of the cloud in front of the sun at an ISO of 800 was the best one.

Kimberly Dow 02-01-2005 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Mike McCarty
Would you mind standing her up and maybe taking her top off?


Actually - her top and bottom are painted on the Barbie. Thank goodness since it was in my son's room. Besides - Cynthia might yell at me. ;)

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